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Re: [fpu] Floating Point - Integer Conversion Cores

>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-fpu@opencores.org [mailto:owner-fpu@opencores.org]On Behalf
>Of Jamil Khatib
>It seems that this is not a good conversation style
>"Do you know that you are the first one in OpenCores
>who do this?" we used here to cooperate not to fight.
>Anyhow if you do not like my comments do not reply.

If you don't like my cores and what I do, go away.

>By the way your cores are not IEEE compliant and even
>if they are working but they will produce very strange
>results in real mathmatical calculations.

You still have not pointed out what was wrong with my cores.
Why don't you do something constructive and point out what is
wrong ? Then I can fix the "supposed bugs" and everyone will
be happy ! I can't fix something that I don't know to be broken.
Instead of wasting my time with your bullshit, point out the
errors so that we ALL can benefit of your insights !

>Note: you have to get a course in numerical analysis
>if you want to design a real floating point cores.

Gee, thanks for your note, Prof. Khatib. Now you made a total
fool of yourself !

>I do not like to keep fighting and I do not want to
>discuss bad ideas. I'll do my best to design an IEEE
>compliant FPU.

Ha, ha, ha !  Now my cores are a "bad idea" ?

>Jamil Khatib

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