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Re: [openrisc] Question regarding ISA for OR1200

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shane Nay" <shane@minirl.com>
To: <openrisc@opencores.org>; "Damjan Lampret" <lampret@opencores.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: [openrisc] Question regarding ISA for OR1200

> On Wednesday 05 September 2001 01:17, Damjan Lampret wrote:
> > Hi Shane,
> >
> > I think right now MIPS way is the only way how we can do it. But
> > for next generation we should definately do something.
> >
> > regards,
> > Damjan
> Yes, understandable.  Additional questions...,
> 1) Is the CPU presently synthesizable? (even if only slightly
> functional :) )

Pretty much. However I am making some modifications while only running RTL
simulations and not synthesizing it (or running netlist simulations). We
hope to soon release a version for Xess Virtex board running uClinux
(followed by normal Linux).

> 2) PCB- I see the reference designs are done on the site, but no one
> is making them yet.  While I have the tools necessary to do this,
> buying a Virtex kit while expensive is much faster..., any
> suggestions?  (Avnet FPGA dev kit looks nice)  And any help needed
> here?

We found out that making boards causes too much problems when it comes to
money and warranty etc. So at the moment we just stick to IP.

> 3) Components- Outside of buying a pre-fab board from a company like
> Avnet, has anyone taken the plunge to buy the requisite components to
> build up the boards?  I could get all the components to make the
> boards, *except* I have no Virtex FPGAs..., is there a way in low
> volume to pick these up?

How about Insight Electronics? Also check who is your local Xilinx

> 4) Business- I discussed with another one of the Agenda project
> founders about doing an Open Hardware/Software system.  For reference
> the Agenda project is www.agendacomputing.com, basically an all
> opensource/freesoftware PDA.  We think that by using a design based
> on the various hardware components on opencores we could greatly
> decrease the overall component count of a device, which should
> translate into cost and PCB space savings.  This would be a rather
> long term project as many of the components here are still quite a
> bit off from completion, but what could a company with manufacturing
> and software expertise do to help advance the state of the project?
> (This is all very pre-emptory, just getting a feeling in advance)

Looks very nice. Especially because it uses Linux (said Linux fan). :-)


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