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Re: [openip] Open designs CDROM

"Robert M. Muench" wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-openip@opencores.org
> [mailto:owner-openip@opencores.org]On
> > Behalf Of Jamil Khatib
> > Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 1:05 AM
> > To: f-cpu@egroups.com; geda-dev@geda.seul.org; utility account for
> > group.pleb; ppc-mobo@raj.phys.sfu.ca; list@free-ip.com;
> > cores@opencores.org; openip@opencores.org
> > Subject: [openip] Open designs CDROM
> > Hi people of openHW community.
> Hi Jamil, I see we have moved to openip@opencores.org :-)). Great!
> Jamil, please send me the new links, so I can add them to openip.org
> homepage.

The new site is located at

> > You may be heard about about my cdrom that will contain free hw
> tools
> > and open hw designs. I'll call this CD distribution "OHD&T" Open
> Hardware
> > Designs & Tools do you have any other suggestion?
> I haven't heard about it but I like the idea a lot :-)). I would
> suggest not to use any of these special characters in the name, it
> might make it hard to search for, include it on web-pages etc.

I agree what about OHDT "open hardware design tools"

> > You can check the media and the cost in media.txt and the steps of
> > shipments in steps.txt
> Would it be possible to provide an ISO image for download? There are
> quite a lot of people who have access to high-speed lines.

yes but not me. but anyhow I'll try to upload it

> Robert M. Muench, Karlsruhe, Germany
>     ==> ask for PGP public-key <==
>   When do you want to reboot today?
> Use the free portable GUI Library
> OpenAmulet from http://www.openip.org

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