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RE: [fpu] fasu, fpu etc. "C spec"

>From: owner-fpu@opencores.org [mailto:owner-fpu@opencores.org]On Behalf
>Of Jamil Khatib
>Please note that this is not a plcae for fighting

No, but it's obviously one for spreading bullshit.

> > Ha, ha, ha !
> > > Jamil, have you ever used Synopsys Design Compiler
> > and DesignWare
> > Libraries ?
>I used them but two years ago and I did not get good
>reults so may be they have some thing new

Did it occur to you that you did not understand how to use
Design Compiler correctly ??? I have been using it for over
14 years (since the day Synopsys was founded, those days we
shared the same building, with that new funny startup "Synopsys").

> > Lets try not to overspecify and delay this effort. I
> > already
> > emailed out what I needed to test the blocks I
> > *already* designed.
> > > If it does not meet Jamils requirements he can take
> > the source code
> > and modify it. There is not need to dealy this any
> > further.

Perhaps, you should stop criticizing everyone and slowing
down the effort, and start contributing some code ?

People like you take the fun and interest out of Open systems.

>I think we have to make a good design and not just to

Why don't you contribute a "good design" ?

>Jamil Khatib


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