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RE: [ethmac] modelsim problems and BD-(mis)understanding

At 11:12 2002-02-02 +0100, you wrote:
> > several components "eth_sync_clk1_clk2", which does not exist in our
> > work-library. Is this also a standard component (from which
> > library in that
> > case?), or where can we find this model? I hope this is just a
>This file is in the cvs. Perhaps you forgot to download it. It's function is
Oups, found it. You're right, we used an old download. Stupid newbe 
misstake after all.. :-)

>Ok, here we go again :) From all those replies I got I realized that this
>is the most confusing one. And you're right, it is.

Indeed! :-) We'd hoped to get a grasp of all of this, when simulation 
began. However, as trouble stopped our progress, I felt I had to ask. Thank 
you for the explaination, I think I understand it now.

>it is really confusing and that is the reason I'm working on interface that
>won't need
>DMA at all.
>I really suggest you hold your horses for few days so I can finish what I'm
>doing. If you
>still want to deal with DMA, I'll be happy to answer you what you asked. But
>you don't want
>to do that. If you do, then you need DMA engine that brings additional
>variables in the design.
>It's your decision after all.

We'll certainly look out for the new version, it sounds like a good idea. 
We have already done a kind of a "packet" out of the Eth and DMA-cores, to 
be integrated with the GPL Leon-CPU. This means we'll have a "black 
box"-component in our project, and I think it could be a good idea to try 
out both variants, as they will look the same from the CPU's point of view 
anyway. The DMA could ofcourse be used as a general DMA-core in the system 
as well, but if the new ethernet MAC works fine, we'll reconsider it's 
usefulness. (Btw, for our purposes, a core using ARM's AMBA bus would be 
cool too :-) But hey, our approach is to use a kind of Wishbone-AMBA 
brigde, which should be good enough. After all, if all the work had been 
done already, there would be nothing left for us to do...

One question though: when there will be two versions of the interface, will 
you support/update them both or will the DMA-version be dropped and become 
obsolete? Perhaps it's not that much of a challange to support both 
versions, as only the wb-interface module will be different. (or..?)

{ }
>I'm glad to hear this. Believe me that's exactly what I'm trying to do
>(besides all the rest that
>keeps me busy so much :) . I already got some replies that people put some
>parts of this core to
>hardware (transmit part or anything else). There are many teams that are
>working on it. I hope I
>won't be the last one to send a packet over the internet :)

Our secondary goal is sample scale ASIC-implementation, so if everything 
works out, we might set up a box so you can ping your own core! Sweet huh? :-)

Thank you very much for your reply, we may report on our progress if anyone 
is interested.


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