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RE: [ethmac] rx_ethmac

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Illan Glasner wrote:

> 13-Feb-01
>    Mahmud Hi,
> 	Just few more comment's :
> 1.
> If I may suggest instead of the long long stimulus file that have :
> "
> ...
> run 40              
> force rx_data   1011  0
> run 40              
> force rx_data   1111  0
> run 40              
> force rx_data   0101  0
> run 40              
> force rx_data   0011  0
> ...
> "
> etc it would be better to use the random function and a loop with random
> size this will take only few lines as well as the tester will be much
> more robust as it test every run a new pattern.
> easiyl you can than add change in preamable size wchihc also will be
> random and good/bad sfd random and so on so with few random line you get
> a much more verification cover.
> oh and don't forget of course to change the seed before each run.

oh thanks, i'll try. 

The second frame of present stimulus file is the same
as one used in mike's design...
> 2. 
> In the crc module I notice you used function and was wonder if you took
> them from the http://www.easics.be/webtools/crctool if so it would be
> appropriate if you add a comment in your code that it was taken from
> there.
> on the other hand if it is all from your head than forget what I write.
I derivated my self with some clues from
www.cypress.com/pub/appnotes/crc.pdf and compared with generated one from
www.easics.be/webtools/crctool There are differences in the sequence of
incoming data. 
If there is someone who want to know the shifting table to determine the
functions, i can send by email. By the way thanks to the maintainer of
easics.be because i can imagine the program which is used to derivate
those codes.

> 5.
> Why do you have in the sm so many hold and wait states ? 
> I belive that from idle to start you go when rxdv=1 than when sdf=1 you
> go to start.
> and in all states if rxdv=0 you go to end where you either report the
> result or error depend on you. and next clock return to idle or maybe
> you can combine end and idle depend on your coding.

i get some difficulties to synchronize all of subblocks work...
after rx_dv non-active...there's
- still 2 nibbles data in buffer that need 2 clocks to send all to FCS
checker, and deactivate data_en.
- FCS checker needs 1 clock to give the checking result. (crc_ok or

> have a nice day
>    Illan

