Isis 3.0 Object Programmers' Reference


Isis::JP2Encoder Class Reference

JPEG2000 encoder class. More...

#include <JP2Encoder.h>

Collaboration diagram for Isis::JP2Encoder:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 JP2Encoder (const QString &jp2file, const unsigned int nsamps, const unsigned int nlines, const unsigned int nbands, const Isis::PixelType type)
 Constructs a JPEG2000 encoder object.
 ~JP2Encoder ()
 JP2Encoder destructor.
JP2Errorkakadu_error () const
void OpenFile ()
 Open the JPEG2000 file and initialize it.
void Write (unsigned char **inbuf)
 Write 8-bit data to JP2 file.
void Write (short int **inbuf)
 Write 16-bit data to JP2 file.

Private Attributes

QString p_jp2File
 Output file name.
unsigned int p_sampleDimension
 Sample dimension of output file.
unsigned int p_lineDimension
 Line dimension of output file.
unsigned int p_bandDimension
 Band dimension of output file.
unsigned int p_resolutionLevels
 Number of resolution levels used to make output file.
std::string p_progressionOrder
 Progression order used to create output file.
unsigned int p_codeBlockSize
 Code block size used to create output file.
bool p_signedData
 Determines if output file will contain signed/unsigned <data.
unsigned int p_tileSizeWidth
 Width of tiles used to create output file.
unsigned int p_tileSizeHeight
 Height of tiles used to create output file.
std::vector< unsigned int > p_precinctSize
 Precinct size(s) used to create output file.
unsigned int p_pixelBits
 Number of bits per pixel used to create output file.
unsigned int p_pixelBytes
 Number of bytes per pixel used to create output file.
int p_flushLines
 Number of lines to store in memory before flushing the <buffer that is written to the codestream.
bool p_writeStripes
 Number of lines written per call to Write methods.
int * p_stripeHeights
 Determines the number of lines to be written at a time <to the codestream.
int * p_maxStripeHeights
 Determines the maximum number of lines that can be <written at a time to the codestream.
int * p_precisions
 Determines bit precision of each band in the output <JP2 file.
bool * p_isSigned
 Determines if the data is signed/unsigned for each <band in the JP2 file.
 JP2 Error handling facility.

Detailed Description

JPEG2000 encoder class.

This class is used to convert image data into JPEG2000 format.

Here is an example of how to use JP2Encoder

char **jp2buf;
ProcessExport p;
Cube *icube;
JP2Encoder *JP2_encoder;
icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM",Isis::OneBand);
jp2buf = new char* [1];
jp2buf[0] = new char[icube->Samples()];
JP2_encoder = new JP2Encoder(ui.GetFileName("TO"),icube->Samples(),
delete JP2_encoder;

If you would like to see JP2Encoder being used in implementation, see isis2std.cpp

2009-01-11 Janet Barrett
2009-01-11 Janet Barrett - Original version.
2012-04-06 Kris Becker - Fixed condition compilation where support for JP2K is disabled

Definition at line 80 of file JP2Encoder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::JP2Encoder::JP2Encoder ( const QString &  jp2file,
const unsigned int  nsamps,
const unsigned int  nlines,
const unsigned int  nbands,
const Isis::PixelType  type 

Constructs a JPEG2000 encoder object.

jp2fileName of file where the encoded JP2 data will be stored.
nsampsSample dimension of image that will be encoded.
nlinesLine dimension of image that will be encoded.
nbandsBand dimension of image that will be encoded.
typePixel type of data that will be encoded.

Definition at line 46 of file JP2Encoder.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

Isis::JP2Encoder::~JP2Encoder ( )

JP2Encoder destructor.

Definition at line 296 of file JP2Encoder.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void Isis::JP2Encoder::OpenFile ( )

Open the JPEG2000 file and initialize it.

Definition at line 118 of file JP2Encoder.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::JP2Exporter::write().

void Isis::JP2Encoder::Write ( unsigned char **  inbuf)

Write 8-bit data to JP2 file.

inbufThe array of pointers to byte buffers that will be used to write out the image data. One byte buffer is required for each band in the image. Kakadu writes in a BIL manner.

Definition at line 270 of file JP2Encoder.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::JP2Exporter::writeLine().

void Isis::JP2Encoder::Write ( short int **  inbuf)

Write 16-bit data to JP2 file.

inbufThe array of pointers to byte buffers that will be used to write out the image data. One byte buffer is required for each band in the image. Kakadu writes in a BIL manner.

Definition at line 285 of file JP2Encoder.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

JP2Error* Isis::JP2Encoder::Kakadu_Error

JP2 Error handling facility.

Definition at line 128 of file JP2Encoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Encoder::p_bandDimension

Band dimension of output file.

Definition at line 105 of file JP2Encoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Encoder::p_codeBlockSize

Code block size used to create output file.

Definition at line 108 of file JP2Encoder.h.

int Isis::JP2Encoder::p_flushLines

Number of lines to store in memory before flushing the <buffer that is written to the codestream.

Definition at line 116 of file JP2Encoder.h.

bool* Isis::JP2Encoder::p_isSigned

Determines if the data is signed/unsigned for each <band in the JP2 file.

Definition at line 125 of file JP2Encoder.h.

QString Isis::JP2Encoder::p_jp2File

Output file name.

Definition at line 102 of file JP2Encoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Encoder::p_lineDimension

Line dimension of output file.

Definition at line 104 of file JP2Encoder.h.

int* Isis::JP2Encoder::p_maxStripeHeights

Determines the maximum number of lines that can be <written at a time to the codestream.

Definition at line 121 of file JP2Encoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Encoder::p_pixelBits

Number of bits per pixel used to create output file.

Definition at line 114 of file JP2Encoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Encoder::p_pixelBytes

Number of bytes per pixel used to create output file.

Definition at line 115 of file JP2Encoder.h.

std::vector<unsigned int> Isis::JP2Encoder::p_precinctSize

Precinct size(s) used to create output file.

Definition at line 113 of file JP2Encoder.h.

int* Isis::JP2Encoder::p_precisions

Determines bit precision of each band in the output <JP2 file.

Definition at line 123 of file JP2Encoder.h.

std::string Isis::JP2Encoder::p_progressionOrder

Progression order used to create output file.

Definition at line 107 of file JP2Encoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Encoder::p_resolutionLevels

Number of resolution levels used to make output file.

Definition at line 106 of file JP2Encoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Encoder::p_sampleDimension

Sample dimension of output file.

Definition at line 103 of file JP2Encoder.h.

bool Isis::JP2Encoder::p_signedData

Determines if output file will contain signed/unsigned <data.

Definition at line 109 of file JP2Encoder.h.

int* Isis::JP2Encoder::p_stripeHeights

Determines the number of lines to be written at a time <to the codestream.

Definition at line 119 of file JP2Encoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Encoder::p_tileSizeHeight

Height of tiles used to create output file.

Definition at line 112 of file JP2Encoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Encoder::p_tileSizeWidth

Width of tiles used to create output file.

Definition at line 111 of file JP2Encoder.h.

bool Isis::JP2Encoder::p_writeStripes

Number of lines written per call to Write methods.

Definition at line 118 of file JP2Encoder.h.

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