Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::Kernel Class Reference

This class stores Kernel information, including Type and kernel file names. More...

#include <Kernel.h>

Public Types

enum  Type { Predicted = 1, Nadir = 2, Reconstructed = 4, Smithed = 8 }
 Enumeration for type of kernel. More...

Public Member Functions

 Kernel ()
 Constructs a Kernel object with "Unknown" Type.
 Kernel (Type type, const QStringList &data)
 Constructs a Kernel object with given Type and kernels data.
 ~Kernel ()
 Destructs Kernel object.
QStringList kernels ()
 Returns the list of kernel data file names.
Type type ()
 Returns the stored Kernel::Type.
void setKernels (QStringList data)
 Sets the kernel data file names to the given list.
void setType (const Type &type)
 Sets the Kernel type.
const int size ()
 Accessor method to determine the number of kernel files.
void push_back (const QString &str)
 Adds the string (file name) to the kernel data file list.
QString & operator[] (const int index)
 Returns the value (file name) in the kernel data list at the given index value.
QString operator[] (const int index) const
 A constant method that returns the value of the kernel data list at the given index value.
bool operator< (const Kernel &other) const
 Compares which Kernel object has a higher quality Type, i.e.

Static Public Member Functions

static Type typeEnum (const QString &type)
 Converts the given string to a character as follows.
static const char * typeEnum (const Type &type)
 Converts the given Type to a character as follows.

Detailed Description

This class stores Kernel information, including Type and kernel file names.

????-??-?? Unknown

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enumeration for type of kernel.


Predicted Kernels are based on predicted location of the spacecraft.


Nadir Kernels mimic spacecraft pointing.


Reconstructed Kernels are supplemented with information on the actual position of targets and/or spacecrafts.


Smithed Kernels are generally reconstructed kernels that have been corrected.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::Kernel::Kernel ( )

Constructs a Kernel object with "Unknown" Type.

Isis::Kernel::Kernel ( Type  type,
const QStringList data 

Constructs a Kernel object with given Type and kernels data.

typeType of kernel to be constructed, see Kernel::Type enumerations
dataVector containing kernel file name(s)
Isis::Kernel::~Kernel ( )

Destructs Kernel object.

Member Function Documentation

QStringList Isis::Kernel::kernels ( )

Returns the list of kernel data file names.

QStringList List of file names for the kernel
bool Isis::Kernel::operator< ( const Kernel other) const

Compares which Kernel object has a higher quality Type, i.e.

which type has a higher enumeration value.

otherThe Kernel whose type value will be compared
bool Indicates whether the Kernel object to the left of the operator has a larger Type enumeration than the object on the right of the operator.
QString & Isis::Kernel::operator[] ( const int  index)

Returns the value (file name) in the kernel data list at the given index value.

indexThe index value of the kernel data list
QString The kernel file name stored in the given index
QString Isis::Kernel::operator[] ( const int  index) const

A constant method that returns the value of the kernel data list at the given index value.

indexThe index value of the kernel data list
QString The kernel data stored in the given index
void Isis::Kernel::push_back ( const QString &  str)

Adds the string (file name) to the kernel data file list.

strString containing kernel file name to be added.
void Isis::Kernel::setKernels ( QStringList  data)

Sets the kernel data file names to the given list.

dataA list containing kernel data (file names)
void Isis::Kernel::setType ( const Type type)

Sets the Kernel type.

typeThe Kernel type enumeration value to be set.
const int Isis::Kernel::size ( )

Accessor method to determine the number of kernel files.

const int Number of items in the kernel data list
Kernel::Type Isis::Kernel::type ( )

Returns the stored Kernel::Type.

Type Enumerated kernel type value
Kernel::Type Isis::Kernel::typeEnum ( const QString &  type)

Converts the given string to a character as follows.

  • "Predicted" = 1
  • "Nadir" = 2
  • "Reconstructed" = 4
  • "Smithed" = 8
  • Anything else = 0
typeA QString containing a Kernel Type. These strings are not case dependent (the type maybe written all caps, all lower, camel).
Type The Kernel type enumeration value

Referenced by Isis::KernelDb::better(), and Isis::KernelDb::findAll().

const char * Isis::Kernel::typeEnum ( const Type type)

Converts the given Type to a character as follows.

  • 1 = Predicted
  • 2 = Nadir
  • 4 = Reconstructed
  • 8 = Smithed
  • Anything else = Unknown
typeThe Kernel type enumeration value
const char* A character array corresponding to the passed in Kernel::Type.

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