Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::InfixToPostfix Class Reference

Converter for math equations. More...

#include <InfixToPostfix.h>

Inherited by Isis::CubeInfixToPostfix, and Isis::InlineInfixToPostfix.

Public Member Functions

 InfixToPostfix ()
virtual ~InfixToPostfix ()
QString convert (const QString &infix)
 This method converts infix to postfix.
QString tokenizeEquation (const QString &equation)
 This method will add spaces between all operators and numbers, making it possible to get each element of the equation one by one.

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool isKnownSymbol (QString representation)
 This method will return true if it believes the argument represents a valid function or operator.
virtual InfixOperatorfindOperator (QString representation)
 This method will return a pointer to the operator represented by 'representation.

Protected Attributes

QList< InfixOperator * > p_operators

Detailed Description

Converter for math equations.

This class converts infix equations to postfix

2007-08-21 Steven Lambright

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::InfixToPostfix::InfixToPostfix ( )


Isis::InfixToPostfix::~InfixToPostfix ( )

Member Function Documentation

QString Isis::InfixToPostfix::convert ( const QString &  infix)

This method converts infix to postfix.

It uses an enhanced verion of the algorithm found on page 159 of "Data Structures & Algorithms in Java" Second Edition by Robert Lafore. First, we prep the equation with TokenizeEquation and then parse through it using the known-good algorithm.

infixThe infix equation
IString The postfix equation

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::IString::Remove(), Isis::toDouble(), Isis::IString::Token(), and Isis::IString::ToQt().

Referenced by Isis::InlineCalculator::toPostfix().

InfixOperator * Isis::InfixToPostfix::findOperator ( QString  representation)

This method will return a pointer to the operator represented by 'representation.

' Because in this model a function is an operator, this will return a pointer to functions as well (in a base class pointer).

representationThe symbolic representation of the operator, such as '+'
InfixOperator* A pointer to the operator object that contains known information about the operator

Reimplemented in Isis::CubeInfixToPostfix, and Isis::InlineInfixToPostfix.

References _FILEINFO_.

bool Isis::InfixToPostfix::isKnownSymbol ( QString  representation)

This method will return true if it believes the argument represents a valid function or operator.

representationThe symbolic representation of the operator, such as 'sin'
bool True if it looks valid, false if it's not known

Reimplemented in Isis::CubeInfixToPostfix, and Isis::InlineInfixToPostfix.

Referenced by Isis::InlineInfixToPostfix::isKnownSymbol().

QString Isis::InfixToPostfix::tokenizeEquation ( const QString &  equation)

This method will add spaces between all operators and numbers, making it possible to get each element of the equation one by one.

It will also parse out the function calls, adding parenthesis where needed so the user doesn't have to. The result is an equation ready for parsing (but NOT fully parenthesized, just enough to make sure our algorithm makes no mistakes).

equationAn unformatted infix equation
IString A tokenized equation with additional parentheses

References Isis::IString::DownCase(), and Isis::IString::ToQt().

Member Data Documentation

QList<InfixOperator *> Isis::InfixToPostfix::p_operators

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