Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::FilterCachingAlgorithm Class Reference

This algorithm is designed for applications that use ProcessByQuickFilter or very similar I/O patterns to cache cube data appropriately. More...

#include <FilterCachingAlgorithm.h>

Inherits Isis::CubeCachingAlgorithm.

Public Member Functions

 FilterCachingAlgorithm (int numParallelIOs)
 Construct a new FilterCachingAlgorithm.
virtual ~FilterCachingAlgorithm ()
 Frees the memory allocated by this caching algorithm.
virtual CacheResult recommendChunksToFree (QList< RawCubeChunk * > allocated, QList< RawCubeChunk * > justUsed, const Buffer &justRequested)
 Please see the class description for how this algorithm works.

Detailed Description

This algorithm is designed for applications that use ProcessByQuickFilter or very similar I/O patterns to cache cube data appropriately.

The last numParallelIOs worth of I/Os will be left in the cache.

????-??-?? Jai Rideout and Steven Lambright

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::FilterCachingAlgorithm::FilterCachingAlgorithm ( int  numParallelIOs)

Construct a new FilterCachingAlgorithm.

The last numParallelIOs will be kept in the cache, while the other chunks in the cache will all be tossed.

numParallelIOsThe number of IO operations to keep the chunks around for.
Isis::FilterCachingAlgorithm::~FilterCachingAlgorithm ( )

Frees the memory allocated by this caching algorithm.

Member Function Documentation

CubeCachingAlgorithm::CacheResult Isis::FilterCachingAlgorithm::recommendChunksToFree ( QList< RawCubeChunk * >  allocated,
QList< RawCubeChunk * >  justUsed,
const Buffer justRequested 

Please see the class description for how this algorithm works.

allocatedAll of the allocated cube chunks
justUsedThe cube chunks used in the last I/O
justRequestedThe buffer passed into the last I/O
The chunks that should be removed from memory

Implements Isis::CubeCachingAlgorithm.

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