Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass > Class Template Reference

Parent class for CubeAttributeInput and CubeAttributeOutput. More...

#include <CubeAttribute.h>

Public Member Functions

 CubeAttribute (QList< bool(ChildClass::*)(QString) const > testers)
 Constructs an empty CubeAttribute.
 CubeAttribute (QList< bool(ChildClass::*)(QString) const > testers, const FileName &fileName)
 Constructs a CubeAttribute using the argument.
virtual ~CubeAttribute ()
 Destroys the object.
QString toString () const
 Return a string-representation of this cube attributes.
void addAttribute (QString attribute)
 Add a single attribute to these attributes.
void addAttributes (const FileName &fileNameWithAtts)
 Append the attributes found in the filename to these cube attributes.
void addAttributes (const char *attributesString)
 Append the attributes in the string to these cube attributes.
void addAttributes (const QString &attributesString)
 Append the attributes in the string to these cube attributes.
void setAttributes (const FileName &fileName)
 Replaces the current attributes with the attributes in the given file name.

Protected Member Functions

QStringList attributeList (bool(ChildClass::*tester)(QString) const) const
 Get a list of attributes that the tester returns true on.
void setAttribute (QString newValue, bool(ChildClass::*tester)(QString) const)
 Set the attribute(s) for which tester returns true to newValue.

Detailed Description

template<typename ChildClass>
class Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >

Parent class for CubeAttributeInput and CubeAttributeOutput.

This class provides common functionality for the CubeAttributeInput and CubeAttributeOutput classes. These classes are used to parse and manipulate attribute information attached to the end of a cube filename.

See Also
IsisAml IsisGui
2003-07-09 Stuart Sides

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename ChildClass>
Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >::CubeAttribute ( QList< bool(ChildClass::*)(QString) const >  testers)

Constructs an empty CubeAttribute.

template<typename ChildClass>
Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >::CubeAttribute ( QList< bool(ChildClass::*)(QString) const >  testers,
const FileName fileName 

Constructs a CubeAttribute using the argument.

Constructs a CubeAttribute and initializes it with the contents of the string parameter. Minimal error checking is done to see if the string looks like an attribute.

attA string containing the file attributes. All characters before the first "+" are assumed to be the filename and are ignored.
template<typename ChildClass>
virtual Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >::~CubeAttribute ( )

Destroys the object.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename ChildClass>
void Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >::addAttribute ( QString  attribute)

Add a single attribute to these attributes.

This attribute should NOT have a '+' in it. For example, if you wanted to add BandSequential to the CubeAttributeOutput class, you could call addAttribute("BSQ") or addAttribute("BandSequential") or any valid deviation of that string. This will preserve existing attributes unless it's of the same type (if Tile was already set, then this will overwrite Tile). If the attribute is unrecognized or ambiguous, then an exception will be thrown.

attributeThe attribute we're adding to the current cube attributes

Referenced by Isis::CubeAttribute< CubeAttributeInput >::setAttributes().

template<typename ChildClass>
void Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >::addAttributes ( const FileName fileNameWithAtts)

Append the attributes found in the filename to these cube attributes.

This will call addAttribute() for every attribute found in the file name.

See Also
fileNameWithAttsA filename with attributes appended, for example FileName("out.cub+Bsq")

Referenced by Isis::CubeAttribute< CubeAttributeInput >::addAttributes(), and IsisAml::GetOutputAttribute().

template<typename ChildClass>
void Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >::addAttributes ( const char *  attributesString)

Append the attributes in the string to these cube attributes.

This will call addAttribute() for every attribute in the string. The initial "+" is not expected but allowed. This should NOT be called with a file name.

attributesStringA string of recognizable attributes, for example "+Bsq+Real" or "Bsq+Real"
template<typename ChildClass>
void Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >::addAttributes ( const QString &  attributesString)

Append the attributes in the string to these cube attributes.

See Also
addAttributes(const char *)
attributesStringA string of recognizable attributes, for example "+Bsq+Real" or "Bsq+Real"
template<typename ChildClass>
QStringList Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >::attributeList ( bool(ChildClass::*)(QString) const  tester) const

Get a list of attributes that the tester returns true on.

This is helpful for accessing the values of existing attributes. The strings will always be the UPPER CASE version of the attribute, i.e. not Bsq but BSQ. The returned attributes do not contain delimiters.

testerA method that determines whether the attribute should be returned/is relevant
A list of attributes for which the tester returns true on.
template<typename ChildClass>
void Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >::setAttribute ( QString  newValue,
bool(ChildClass::*)(QString) const  tester 

Set the attribute(s) for which tester returns true to newValue.

If multiple attributes match (tester returns true on them), only the first one is preserved and it's value becomes newValue. Subsequent matching attributes are removed/deleted. This is done to simplify the resulting attribute string to be minimal with this particular attribute.

newValueThe string to set the attribute to... tester(newValue) really ought to return true.
testerA method that determines if an attribute is of the same type of newValue, so that existing attributes can be overwritten.
template<typename ChildClass>
void Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >::setAttributes ( const FileName fileName)

Replaces the current attributes with the attributes in the given file name.

This will call addAttribute() for every attribute in the file name.

See Also
addAttributes(const char *)
fileNameA file name with (or without) attributes on the end, for example FileName("out.cub+Bsq")

Referenced by Isis::CubeAttribute< CubeAttributeInput >::addAttributes(), IsisAml::Clear(), Isis::CubeAttribute< CubeAttributeInput >::CubeAttribute(), IsisAml::GetInputAttribute(), and IsisAml::GetOutputAttribute().

template<typename ChildClass>
QString Isis::CubeAttribute< ChildClass >::toString ( ) const

Return a string-representation of this cube attributes.

This will typically be exactl the string passed in if you used setAttributes(...). This can be an empty string ("") or if there are attributes then it will be +att1+att2+... The result of this method could be used to re-create this instance.

The cube attributes in string form

Referenced by Isis::CubeAttribute< CubeAttributeInput >::addAttributes().

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