Source: ../../contrib/olsr/xrl_target.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 XORP, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2, June
// 1991 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Redistribution
// and/or modification of this program under the terms of any other
// version of the GNU General Public License is not permitted.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// see the GNU General Public License, Version 2, a copy of which can be
// found in the XORP LICENSE.gpl file.
// XORP Inc, 2953 Bunker Hill Lane, Suite 204, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA;

// $XORP: xorp/contrib/olsr/xrl_target.hh,v 1.4 2009/01/05 18:30:47 jtc Exp $

#ifndef __OLSR_XRL_TARGET_HH__
#define __OLSR_XRL_TARGET_HH__

#include "xrl/targets/olsr4_base.hh"

#include "olsr.hh"

 * @short Concrete implementation of OLSRv1/IPv4 XRL target.
class XrlOlsr4Target : public XrlOlsr4TargetBase {
     * Constructor.
    XrlOlsr4Target(XrlRouter* r, Olsr& olsr, XrlIO& xrl_io);

     * Get name of Xrl Target
    XrlCmdError common_0_1_get_target_name(
	// Output values,
	string&	name);

     * Get version string from Xrl Target
    XrlCmdError common_0_1_get_version(
	// Output values,
	string&	version);

     * Get status of Xrl Target
    XrlCmdError common_0_1_get_status(
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	status,
	string&		reason);

     * Request clean shutdown of Xrl Target
    XrlCmdError common_0_1_shutdown();

     * Announce target birth to observer.
     * @param target_class the target class name.
     * @param target_instance the target instance name.
    XrlCmdError finder_event_observer_0_1_xrl_target_birth(
	// Input values,
	const string&	target_class,
	const string&	target_instance);

     * Announce target death to observer.
     * @param target_class the target class name.
     * @param target_instance the target instance name.
    XrlCmdError finder_event_observer_0_1_xrl_target_death(
	// Input values,
	const string&	target_class,
	const string&	target_instance);

     * Method invoked by target implementing socket4/0.1 when a packet arrives
     * from an IPv4 source.
     * @param sockid the identifier associated with socket where the event
     * occurred.
     * @param if_name the interface name the packet arrived on, if known. If
     * unknown, then it is an empty string.
     * @param vif_name the vif name the packet arrived on, if known. If
     * unknown, then it is an empty string.
     * @param src_host the originating host.
     * @param src_port the originating IP port.
     * @param data the data received.
    XrlCmdError socket4_user_0_1_recv_event(
	// Input values,
	const string&	sockid,
	const string&	if_name,
	const string&	vif_name,
	const IPv4&	src_host,
	const uint32_t&	src_port,
	const vector<uint8_t>&	data);

     * Method invoked by target implementing socket4/0.1 when a connection
     * request is received from an IPv4 source. It applies only to TCP
     * sockets.
     * @param sockid the identifier associated with socket where the event
     * occurred.
     * @param src_host the connecting host.
     * @param src_port the connecting IP port.
     * @param new_sockid the identifier associated with the new socket that
     * has been created to handle the new connection.
     * @param accept if true, the connection request has been accepted,
     * otherwise it has been rejected.
    XrlCmdError socket4_user_0_1_inbound_connect_event(
	// Input values,
	const string&	sockid,
	const IPv4&	src_host,
	const uint32_t&	src_port,
	const string&	new_sockid,
	// Output values,
	bool&	accept);

     * Method invoked by target implementing socket4/0.1 when an outgoing
     * connection request originated by the local host is completed. It
     * applies only to TCP sockets. Note that if the connection failed, the
     * error_event will be dispatched instead.
     * @param sockid the identifier associated with socket where the event
     * occurred.
    XrlCmdError socket4_user_0_1_outgoing_connect_event(
	// Input values,
	const string&	sockid);

     * Method invoked by target implementing socket4/0.1 when an error occurs.
     * @param sockid the identifier associated with socket where the event
     * occurred.
     * @param error a textual description of the error.
     * @param fatal indication of whether socket is shutdown because of error.
    XrlCmdError socket4_user_0_1_error_event(
	// Input values,
	const string&	sockid,
	const string&	error,
	const bool&	fatal);

     * Method invoked by target implementing socket4/0.1 when the peer has
     * closed the connection. It applies only to TCP sockets. Note that the
     * socket itself is left open and must be explicitly closed.
     * @param sockid the identifier associated with socket where the event
     * occurred.
    XrlCmdError socket4_user_0_1_disconnect_event(
	// Input values,
	const string&	sockid);

     * Configure a policy filter.
     * @param filter the identifier of the filter to configure.
     * @param conf the configuration of the filter.
    XrlCmdError policy_backend_0_1_configure(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	filter,
	const string&	conf);

     * Reset a policy filter.
     * @param filter the identifier of the filter to reset.
    XrlCmdError policy_backend_0_1_reset(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	filter);

     * Push all available routes through all filters for re-filtering.
    XrlCmdError policy_backend_0_1_push_routes();

     * Start route redistribution for an IPv4 route.
     * @param network the route to advertise.
     * @param unicast whether the route is unicast.
     * @param multicast whether the route is multicast.
     * @param nexthop the nexthop of the route.
     * @param metric the metric of the route.
     * @param policytags the set of policy-tags associated with the route.
    XrlCmdError policy_redist4_0_1_add_route4(
	// Input values,
	const IPv4Net&	network,
	const bool&	unicast,
	const bool&	multicast,
	const IPv4&	nexthop,
	const uint32_t&	metric,
	const XrlAtomList&	policytags);

     * Terminate route redistribution for an IPv4 route.
     * @param network the route for which advertisements should cease.
     * @param unicast whether the route is unicast.
     * @param multicast whether the route is multicast.
    XrlCmdError policy_redist4_0_1_delete_route4(
	// Input values,
	const IPv4Net&	network,
	const bool&	unicast,
	const bool&	multicast);

     * Enable profiling.
     * @param pname profile variable
     XrlCmdError profile_0_1_enable(
	// Input values,
	const string&	pname);

     * Disable profiling.
     * @param pname profile variable
     XrlCmdError profile_0_1_disable(
	// Input values,
	const string&	pname);

     * Get log entries.
     * @param pname profile variable
     * @param instance_name to send the profiling info to.
     XrlCmdError profile_0_1_get_entries(
	// Input values,
	const string&	pname,
	const string&	instance_name);

     * Clear the profiling entries.
     * @param pname profile variable
     XrlCmdError profile_0_1_clear(
	// Input values,
	const string&	pname);

     *  List all the profiling variables registered with this target.
     XrlCmdError profile_0_1_list(
	// Output values,
	string&	info);

     * Enable/Disable tracing.
     * @param tvar trace variable.
     * @param enable set to true to enable, false to disable.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_trace(
	// Input values,
	const string&	tvar,
	const bool&	enable);

     * Clear all OLSR protocol databases.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_clear_database();

     * Set the willingness-to-forward.
     * @param willingness the new willingness-to-forward.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_willingness(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	willingness);

     * Get the willingness-to-forward.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_willingness(
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	willingness);

     * Set the MPR_COVERAGE.
     * @param coverage the new MPR_COVERAGE value.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_mpr_coverage(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	coverage);

     * Get the MPR_COVERAGE.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_mpr_coverage(
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	coverage);

     * Set the TC_REDUNDANCY.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_tc_redundancy(
	// Input values,
	const string&	redundancy);

     * Get the TC_REDUNDANCY.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_tc_redundancy(
	// Output values,
	string&	redundancy);

     * Enable/disable TC fisheye mode.
     * @param enabled true to enable fisheye, false to disable it.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_tc_fisheye(
	// Input values,
	const bool&	enabled);

     * Get the current TC fisheye mode.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_tc_fisheye(
	// Output values,
	bool&	enabled);

     * Set the current HNA base cost metric.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_hna_base_cost(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	metric);

     * Get the current HNA base cost metric.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_hna_base_cost(
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	metric);

     * Set the HELLO_INTERVAL.
     * @param interval the new HELLO_INTERVAL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_hello_interval(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	interval);

     * Get the HELLO_INTERVAL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_hello_interval(
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	interval);

     * Set the REFRESH_INTERVAL.
     * @param interval the new REFRESH_INTERVAL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_refresh_interval(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	interval);

     * Get the REFRESH_INTERVAL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_refresh_interval(
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	interval);

     * Set the TC_INTERVAL.
     * @param interval the new TC_INTERVAL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_tc_interval(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	interval);

     * Get the TC_INTERVAL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_tc_interval(
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	interval);

     * Set the MID_INTERVAL.
     * @param interval the new MID_INTERVAL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_mid_interval(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	interval);

     * Get the MID_INTERVAL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_mid_interval(
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	interval);

     * Set the HNA_INTERVAL.
     * @param interval the new HNA_INTERVAL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_hna_interval(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	interval);

     * Get the HNA_INTERVAL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_hna_interval(
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	interval);

     * Set the DUP_HOLD_TIME.
     * @param dup_hold_time the new DUP_HOLD_TIME.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_dup_hold_time(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	dup_hold_time);

     * Get the DUP_HOLD_TIME.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_dup_hold_time(
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	dup_hold_time);

     * Set the main address.
     * @param addr Our main IPv4 address which OLSR uses as a router ID.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_main_address(
	// Input values,
	const IPv4&	addr);

     * Get the main address.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_main_address(
	// Output values,
	IPv4&		addr);

     * Create an IPv4 address binding for OLSR.
     * OLSR must be bound to a given protocol address on each interface,
     * which means interface bindings in OLSRv1 must be keyed by interface
     * name as well as protocol address.
     * Only a single IPv4 address may be thus bound, and the address must be
     * supplied when the binding is created. This is to workaround the lack of
     * RFC 3927 link-scoped IPv4 capability in most IPv4 implementations.
     * The addition of @param local_addr is not instantaneous. OLSR has to
     * instantiate state in the FEA to send and receive packets. Once
     * instantiated, the address must be explicitly enabled with the
     * set_binding_enabled XRL.
     * @param ifname the interface that owns vif that has local_addr
     * @param vifname interface owning local_addr
     * @param local_addr the address to be added.
     * @param local_port the port to listen for control traffic on.
     * @param all_nodes_addr the address to use for transmission.
     * @param all_nodes_port the port to use for transmission.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_bind_address(
	// Input values,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname,
	const IPv4&	local_addr,
	const uint32_t&	local_port,
	const IPv4&	all_nodes_addr,
	const uint32_t&	all_nodes_port);

     * Destroy an IPv4 address binding for OLSR.
     * @param ifname the interface to unbind.
     * @param vifname the vif to unbind.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_unbind_address(
	// Input values,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname);

     * Set the enabled state of an IPv4 address binding for OLSR.
     * @param ifname the interface to set enabled state for.
     * @param vifname the vif to set enabled state for.
     * @param enabled true if OLSR is to be configured administratively up on
     * the interface, false if it is to be configured down.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_binding_enabled(
	// Input values,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname,
	const bool&	enabled);

     * Get the state of an IPv4 address binding for OLSR.
     * @param ifname the interface to query.
     * @param vifname the vif to qurery
     * @param enabled true if OLSR is configured administratively up on the
     * given interface.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_binding_enabled(
	// Input values,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname,
	// Output values,
	bool&		enabled);

     * Change the UDP address and port where OLSR listens for control traffic
     * on this interface. In order to do this the process must tell the FEA to
     * tear down and re-bind the control traffic socket.
     * @param ifname the name of the interface.
     * @param vifname the name of the vif.
     * @param local_addr the new local IPv4 address.
     * @param local_port the new local port number.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_change_local_addr_port(
	// Input values,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname,
	const IPv4&	local_addr,
	const uint32_t&	local_port);

     * Change the address where OLSR sends control traffic on the given
     * interface. By default OLSR will attempt to use the all-ones broadcast
     * address. Currently multicast addresses are NOT supported.
     * @param ifname the name of the interface.
     * @param vifname the name of the vif.
     * @param all_nodes_addr the address to use.
     * @param all_nodes_port the port to use.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_change_all_nodes_addr_port(
	// Input values,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname,
	const IPv4&	all_nodes_addr,
	const uint32_t&	all_nodes_port);

     * Get the list of interfaces currently configured for OLSR. Return a list
     * of u32 type values. Each value is an internal ID that can be used with
     * the get_interface_info XRL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_interface_list(
	// Output values,
	XrlAtomList&	interfaces);

     * Get the per-interface information for the given interface.
     * @param faceid interface ID returned by get_interface_list.
     * @param ifname the name of the interface.
     * @param vifname the name of the vif.
     * @param local_addr the IPv4 address where OLSR is listening.
     * @param local_port the UDP port where OLSR is listening.
     * @param all_nodes_addr the IPv4 address where OLSR sends packets.
     * @param all_nodes_port the UDP port where OLSR sends packets.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_interface_info(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	faceid,
	// Output values,
	string&		ifname,
	string&		vifname,
	IPv4&		local_addr,
	uint32_t&	local_port,
	IPv4&		all_nodes_addr,
	uint32_t&	all_nodes_port);

     * Set the edge cost of an interface/vif.
     * @param ifname the name of the interface.
     * @param vifname the name of the vif.
     * @param cost the new edge cost of the interface.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_set_interface_cost(
	// Input values,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname,
	const uint32_t&	cost);

     * Get the per-interface statistics for the given interface.
     * @param ifname the interface to query.
     * @param vifname the vif to qurery
     * @param bad_packets the number of bad packets received.
     * @param bad_messages the number of bad messages received.
     * @param messages_from_self the number of messages which appeared to be
     * from our own main address.
     * @param unknown_messages the number of messages which could not be
     * decoded.
     * @param duplicates the number of messages which appeared to be
     * duplicates, according to histogram based duplicate detection.
     * @param forwarded the number of messages which have been forwarded to
     * the rest of the OLSR topology on this interface.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_interface_stats(
	// Input values,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname,
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	bad_packets,
	uint32_t&	bad_messages,
	uint32_t&	messages_from_self,
	uint32_t&	unknown_messages,
	uint32_t&	duplicates,
	uint32_t&	forwarded);

     * Get the list of one-hop links. Return a list of u32 type values. Each
     * value is an internal ID that can be used with the get_link_info XRL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_link_list(
	// Output values,
	XrlAtomList&	links);

     * Get the information for a one-hop link.
     * @param linkid Link entry ID returned by get_link_list.
     * @param local_addr the interface address of the local end of this link.
     * @param remote_addr the interface address of the remote end of this
     * link.
     * @param main_addr the main address of the neighbor at the remote end of
     * this link.
     * @param link_type the type of this link.
     * @param sym_time the time in seconds for which this link will be
     * considered symmetric.
     * @param asym_time the time in seconds for which this link will be
     * considered asymmetric.
     * @param hold_time the time in seconds until this link expires.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_link_info(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	linkid,
	// Output values,
	IPv4&		local_addr,
	IPv4&		remote_addr,
	IPv4&		main_addr,
	uint32_t&	link_type,
	uint32_t&	sym_time,
	uint32_t&	asym_time,
	uint32_t&	hold_time);

     * Get the list of one-hop neighbors. Return a list of u32 type values.
     * Each value is an internal ID that can be used with the
     * get_neighbor_info XRL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_neighbor_list(
	// Output values,
	XrlAtomList&	neighbors);

     * Get the information for a one-hop neighbor.
     * @param nid Neighbor entry ID returned by get_neighbor_list.
     * @param main_addr the main address of this neighbor.
     * @param willingness the willingness of this neighbor to forward.
     * @param degree the number of symmetric strict neighbors of this
     * neighbor, excluding one-hop neighbors and this node.
     * @param link_count the number of links to this neighbor.
     * @param twohop_link_count the number of two-hop links which transit this
     * neighbor as next-hop.
     * @param is_advertised true if this neighbor is in the Advertised
     * Neighbor Set of this node.
     * @param is_sym true if this neighbor is symmetric.
     * @param is_mpr true if this neighbor is selected as an MPR by this node.
     * @param is_mpr_selector true if this neighbor chooses this node as an
     * MPR.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_neighbor_info(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	nid,
	// Output values,
	IPv4&		main_addr,
	uint32_t&	willingness,
	uint32_t&	degree,
	uint32_t&	link_count,
	uint32_t&	twohop_link_count,
	bool&		is_advertised,
	bool&		is_sym,
	bool&		is_mpr,
	bool&		is_mpr_selector);

     * Get the list of two-hop links. Return a list of u32 type values. Each
     * value is an internal ID that can be used with the get_twohop_link_info
     * XRL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_twohop_link_list(
	// Output values,
	XrlAtomList&	twohop_links);

     * Get the information for a two-hop link.
     * @param tlid two-hop link ID returned by get_twohop_link_list.
     * @param last_face_id the internal interface ID where advertisement of
     * this two-hop link was last seen.
     * @param nexthop_addr the main address of the one-hop neighbor where this
     * two-hop link exists.
     * @param dest_addr the main address of the two-hop neighbor at the remote
     * end of this link.
     * @param hold_time the time in seconds until this two-hop link expires.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_twohop_link_info(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	tlid,
	// Output values,
	uint32_t&	last_face_id,
	IPv4&		nexthop_addr,
	IPv4&		dest_addr,
	uint32_t&	hold_time);

     * Get the list of two-hop neighbors. Return a list of u32 type values.
     * Each value is an internal ID that can be used with the
     * get_twohop_neighbor_info XRL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_twohop_neighbor_list(
	// Output values,
	XrlAtomList&	twohop_neighbors);

     * Get the information for a two-hop neighbor.
     * @param tnid two-hop neighbor ID returned by get_twohop_neighbor_list.
     * @param main_addr the main address of this two-hop neighbor.
     * @param is_strict true if this two-hop neighbor is not also a two-hop
     * neighbor.
     * @param link_count the number of two-hop links that exist to this
     * two-hop neighbor.
     * @param reachability the number of MPR candidates which cover this
     * two-hop neighbor.
     * @param coverage the number of selected MPRs which cover this two-hop
     * neighbor.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_twohop_neighbor_info(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	tnid,
	// Output values,
	IPv4&		main_addr,
	bool&		is_strict,
	uint32_t&	link_count,
	uint32_t&	reachability,
	uint32_t&	coverage);

     * Get the list of learned Multiple Interface Declaration (MID) entries.
     * Return a list of u32 type values. Each value is an internal ID that can
     * be used with the get_mid_entry XRL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_mid_entry_list(
	// Output values,
	XrlAtomList&	mid_entries);

     * Get the information contained in a MID entry.
     * @param midid MID entry ID returned by get_mid_entry_list.
     * @param main_addr the main address of the OLSR node
     * @param iface_addr the interface address being advertised.
     * @param distance the distance measured between this node and the origin
     * of the MID packet containing this entry.
     * @param hold_time the time in seconds until this entry expires.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_mid_entry(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	midid,
	// Output values,
	IPv4&		main_addr,
	IPv4&		iface_addr,
	uint32_t&	distance,
	uint32_t&	hold_time);

     * Get the list of learned Topology Control (TC) entries. Return a list of
     * u32 type values. Each value is an internal ID that can be used with the
     * get_tc_entry XRL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_tc_entry_list(
	// Output values,
	XrlAtomList&	tc_entries);

     * Get the information contained in a TC entry.
     * @param tcid TC entry ID returned by get_tc_entry_list.
     * @param destination the main address of the advertised destination.
     * @param lasthop the main address of the node advertising this entry.
     * @param distance the distance measured between this node and the origin
     * of the TC packet containing this entry.
     * @param seqno the advertised sequence number of this entry.
     * @param hold_time the time in seconds until this entry expires.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_tc_entry(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	tcid,
	// Output values,
	IPv4&		destination,
	IPv4&		lasthop,
	uint32_t&	distance,
	uint32_t&	seqno,
	uint32_t&	hold_time);

     * Get the list of learned external route (HNA) entries. Return a list of
     * u32 type values. Each value is an internal ID that can be used with the
     * get_hna_entry XRL.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_hna_entry_list(
	// Output values,
	XrlAtomList&	hna_entries);

     * Get the information contained in a HNA entry.
     * @param hnaid HNA entry ID returned by get_hna_entry_list.
     * @param destination the main address of the advertised destination.
     * @param lasthop the main address of the node advertising this entry.
     * @param distance the distance measured between this node and the origin
     * of the TC packet containing this entry.
     * @param hold_time the time in seconds until this entry expires.
    XrlCmdError olsr4_0_1_get_hna_entry(
	// Input values,
	const uint32_t&	hnaid,
	// Output values,
	IPv4Net&	destination,
	IPv4&		lasthop,
	uint32_t&	distance,
	uint32_t&	hold_time);

    Olsr&	_olsr;
    XrlIO&	_xrl_io;

#endif // __OLSR_XRL_TARGET_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Jan 7 19:11:15 2009, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.