Source: ../../ospf/vlink.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/ospf/vlink.hh,v 1.5 2005/11/23 11:30:45 atanu Exp $

#ifndef __OSPF_VLINK_HH__
#define __OSPF_VLINK_HH__

 * Manage all the state for virtual links.
template <typename A>
class Vlink {
     * Add a virtual link router ID to the database.
    bool create_vlink(OspfTypes::RouterID rid);

     * Remove this router ID from the database.
    bool delete_vlink(OspfTypes::RouterID rid);

     * Set the transmit area through which the virtual link is formed.
    bool set_transit_area(OspfTypes::RouterID rid,
			  OspfTypes::AreaID transit_area);

     * Get the transmit area information.
    bool get_transit_area(OspfTypes::RouterID rid,
			  OspfTypes::AreaID& transit_area) const;

     * Set state to know if the area has been notified about this
     * virtual link.
    bool set_transit_area_notified(OspfTypes::RouterID rid, bool state);

     * Has the area been notified?
    bool get_transit_area_notified(OspfTypes::RouterID rid) const;

     * Associate the endpoint addresses with this virtual link.
    bool add_address(OspfTypes::RouterID rid, A source, A destination);

     * Get the endpoint addresses of this virtual link.
    bool get_address(OspfTypes::RouterID rid, A& source, A& destination);

     * Provide an interface and vif for this router ID. Must not be
     * called before the address information has been provided.
    bool get_interface_vif(OspfTypes::RouterID rid, string& interface,
			   string& vif) const;

     * Save the peerid that has been allocted to this virtual link.
    bool add_peerid(OspfTypes::RouterID rid, PeerID peerid);

     * Get the associated peerid.
    PeerID get_peerid(OspfTypes::RouterID rid) const;

     * The phyical interface and vif that should be used for transmission.
    bool set_physical_interface_vif(OspfTypes::RouterID rid, string& interface,
				    string& vif);

     * Given the source and destination addresses return the interface
     * and vif.
    bool get_physical_interface_vif(A source, A destination, string& interface,
				    string& vif) const;

     * Given the source and destination address find the PeerID of the
     * relevant virtual link.
    PeerID get_peerid(A source, A destination) const;

     * Get the list of virtual links (router ids) that flow through
     * this area.
    void get_router_ids(OspfTypes::AreaID transit_area,
			list<OspfTypes::RouterID>& rids) const;

     * This area has been removed mark all the notified for this area
     * to false. Allowing an area to be removed and then brought back.
    void area_removed(OspfTypes::AreaID area);

     * State about each virtual link.
    struct Vstate {
	Vstate() : 
	    _peerid(ALLPEERS),	// An illegal value for a PeerID.
	    _transit_area(OspfTypes::BACKBONE), // Again an illegal value.

	PeerID _peerid;				// PeerID of virtual link
	OspfTypes::AreaID _transit_area;	// Transit area for the link
	// True if the transit area has been notified.
	bool _notified;
	A _source;				// Source address
	A _destination;				// Destination address
	// Required for transmission.
	string _physical_interface;		// Actual interface
	string _physical_vif;			// Actual vif

    map <OspfTypes::RouterID, Vstate> _vlinks;

#endif // __OSPF_VLINK_HH__

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