// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/fea/iftree.hh,v 1.20 2004/06/10 22:40:54 hodson Exp $ #ifndef __FEA_IFTREE_HH__ #define __FEA_IFTREE_HH__ #include "libxorp/xorp.h" #include <map> #include <string> #include "libxorp/ipv4.hh" #include "libxorp/ipv6.hh" #include "libxorp/mac.hh" /** * Base class for Fea configurable items where the modifications need * to be held over and propagated later, ie changes happen during a * transaction but are propagated during the commit. */ class IfTreeItem { public: IfTreeItem() : _st(CREATED) {} virtual ~IfTreeItem() {} public: enum State { NO_CHANGE = 0x00, CREATED = 0x01, DELETED = 0x02, CHANGED = 0x04 }; inline bool set_state(State st) { if (bits(st) > 1) { return false; } _st = st; return true; } inline State state() const { return _st; } inline bool mark(State st) { if (bits(st) > 1) { return false; } if (st & (CREATED | DELETED)) { _st = st; return true; } if (_st & (CREATED | DELETED)) { return true; } _st = st; return true; } inline bool is_marked(State st) const { return st == _st; } /** * Virtual method to be implemented to flush out state associated * objects, ie if an object is marked CREATED or CHANGED it should be * marked NO_CHANGE, if an object is marked DELETED, it should be * removed from the relevant container and destructed. */ virtual void finalize_state() = 0; string str() const; protected: inline static uint32_t bits(State st) { uint32_t c; for (c = 0; st != NO_CHANGE; c += st & 0x01) st = State(st >> 1); return c; } State _st; }; // Classes derived from IfTreeItem class IfTree; class IfTreeInterface; class IfTreeVif; class IfTreeAddr4; class IfTreeAddr6; /** * Container class for Fea Interface objects in a system. */ class IfTree : public IfTreeItem { public: typedef map<const string, IfTreeInterface> IfMap; /** * Remove all interface state from the interface tree. */ void clear(); /** * Create a new interface. * * @param ifname interface name. * * @return true on success, false if an interface with ifname already * exists. */ bool add_if(const string& ifname); /** * Label interface as ready for deletion. Deletion does not occur * until finalize_state() is called. * * @param ifname name of interface to be labelled. * * @return true on success, false if ifname is invalid. */ bool remove_if(const string& ifname); /** * Create a new interface or update its state if it already exists. * * @param other_iface the interface with the state to copy from. * * @return true on success, false if an error. */ bool update_if(const IfTreeInterface& other_iface); /** * Get iterator of corresponding to named interface. * * @param ifn interface name to find iterator for. * * @return iterator, will be equal to ifs().end() if invalid. */ inline IfMap::iterator get_if(const string& ifn); /** * Get iterator of corresponding to named interface. * * @param ifn interface name to find iterator for. * * @return iterator, will be equal to ifs().end() if invalid. */ inline IfMap::const_iterator get_if(const string& ifn) const; inline const IfMap& ifs() const { return _ifs; } inline IfMap& ifs() { return _ifs; } /** * Align user supplied configuration with the device configuration. * * Inside the FEA there may be multiple configuration representations, * typically one the user modifies and one that mirrors the hardware. * Errors may occur pushing the user config down onto the hardware and * we need a method to update the user config from the h/w config that * exists after the config push. We can't just copy the h/w config since * the user config is restricted to configuration set by the user. * The alignment works as follows: * - If the item in the local tree is "disabled", then the state is not * modified. Otherwise, the rules below are applied. * - If an item from the local tree is not in the other tree, * it is marked as deleted in the local tree. * - If an item from the local tree is in the other tree, * its state is copied from the other tree to the local tree. * - If an item from the other tree is not in the local tree, we do NOT * copy it to the local tree. * * @param other the configuration tree to align state with. * @return modified configuration structure. */ IfTree& align_with(const IfTree& other); /** * Prune bogus deleted state. * * If an item from the local tree is marked as deleted, but is not * in the other tree, then it is removed. * * @param old_iftree the old tree with the state that is used as reference. * @return the modified configuration tree. */ IfTree& prune_bogus_deleted_state(const IfTree& old_iftree); /** * Delete interfaces labelled as ready for deletion, call finalize_state() * on remaining interfaces, and set state to NO_CHANGE. */ void finalize_state(); /** * @return string representation of IfTree. */ string str() const; protected: IfMap _ifs; }; /** * Fea class for holding physical interface state. */ class IfTreeInterface : public IfTreeItem { public: typedef map<const string, IfTreeVif> VifMap; IfTreeInterface(const string& ifname); inline const string& name() const { return _ifname; } inline const string& ifname() const { return _ifname; } inline uint16_t pif_index() const { return _pif_index; } inline void set_pif_index(uint16_t v) { _pif_index = v; mark(CHANGED); } inline bool enabled() const { return _enabled; } inline void set_enabled(bool en) { _enabled = en; mark(CHANGED); } inline uint32_t mtu() const { return _mtu; } inline void set_mtu(uint32_t mtu) { _mtu = mtu; mark(CHANGED); } inline const Mac& mac() const { return _mac; } inline void set_mac(const Mac& mac) { _mac = mac; mark(CHANGED); } /** * Get the system-specific interface flags. * * Typically, this value is read from the underlying system, and is * used only for internal purpose. * * @return the system-specific interface flags. */ inline uint32_t if_flags() const { return _if_flags; } /** * Store the system-specific interface flags. * * Typically, this value is read from the underlying system, and is * used only for internal purpose. * * @param if_flags the value of the system-specific interface flags to * store. */ inline void set_if_flags(uint32_t if_flags) { _if_flags = if_flags; mark(CHANGED); } inline const VifMap& vifs() const { return _vifs; } inline VifMap& vifs() { return _vifs; } bool add_vif(const string& vifname); bool remove_vif(const string& vifname); inline VifMap::iterator get_vif(const string& vifname); inline VifMap::const_iterator get_vif(const string& vifname) const; /** * Copy state of internal variables from another IfTreeInterface. */ inline void copy_state(const IfTreeInterface& o) { set_pif_index(o.pif_index()); set_enabled(o.enabled()); set_mtu(o.mtu()); set_mac(o.mac()); set_if_flags(o.if_flags()); } /** * Test if the interface-specific internal state is same. * * @param o the IfTreeInterface to compare against. * @return true if the interface-specific internal state is same. */ inline bool is_same_state(const IfTreeInterface& o) { return ((pif_index() == o.pif_index()) && (enabled() == o.enabled()) && (mtu() == o.mtu()) && (mac() == o.mac()) && (if_flags() == o.if_flags())); } void finalize_state(); string str() const; protected: const string _ifname; uint16_t _pif_index; bool _enabled; uint32_t _mtu; Mac _mac; uint32_t _if_flags; // The system-specific interface flags VifMap _vifs; }; /** * Fea class for virtual (logical) interface state. */ class IfTreeVif : public IfTreeItem { public: typedef map<const IPv4, IfTreeAddr4> V4Map; typedef map<const IPv6, IfTreeAddr6> V6Map; IfTreeVif(const string& ifname, const string& vifname); const string& ifname() const { return _ifname; } const string& vifname() const { return _vifname; } inline uint16_t pif_index() const { return _pif_index; } inline void set_pif_index(uint16_t v) { _pif_index = v; mark(CHANGED); } inline bool enabled() const { return _enabled; } inline bool broadcast() const { return _broadcast; } inline bool loopback() const { return _loopback; } inline bool point_to_point() const { return _point_to_point; } inline bool multicast() const { return _multicast; } inline void set_enabled(bool en) { _enabled = en; mark(CHANGED); } inline void set_broadcast(bool v) { _broadcast = v; mark(CHANGED); } inline void set_loopback(bool v) { _loopback = v; mark(CHANGED); } inline void set_point_to_point(bool v) { _point_to_point = v; mark(CHANGED); } inline void set_multicast(bool v) { _multicast = v; mark(CHANGED); } inline const V4Map& v4addrs() const { return _v4addrs; } inline V4Map& v4addrs() { return _v4addrs; } inline const V6Map& v6addrs() const { return _v6addrs; } inline V6Map& v6addrs() { return _v6addrs; } inline V4Map::iterator get_addr(const IPv4& a); inline V6Map::iterator get_addr(const IPv6& a); inline V4Map::const_iterator get_addr(const IPv4& a) const; inline V6Map::const_iterator get_addr(const IPv6& a) const; /** * Add address. * * @param v4addr address to be added. * * @return true on success, false if address already exists */ bool add_addr(const IPv4& v4addr); /** * Mark address as DELETED. Deletion occurs when finalize_state is called. * * @param v4addr address to labelled. * * @return true on success, false if address does not exist. */ bool remove_addr(const IPv4& v4addr); /** * Add address. * * @param v4addr address to be added. * * @return true on success, false if address already exists */ bool add_addr(const IPv6& v6addr); /** * Mark address as DELETED. Deletion occurs when finalize_state is called. * * @param v4addr address to labelled. * * @return true on success, false if address does not exist. */ bool remove_addr(const IPv6& v6addr); /** * Copy state of internal variables from another IfTreeVif. */ inline void copy_state(const IfTreeVif& o) { set_pif_index(o.pif_index()); set_enabled(o.enabled()); set_broadcast(o.broadcast()); set_loopback(o.loopback()); set_point_to_point(o.point_to_point()); set_multicast(o.multicast()); } /** * Test if the vif-specific internal state is same. * * @param o the IfTreeVif to compare against. * @return true if the vif-specific internal state is same. */ inline bool is_same_state(const IfTreeVif& o) { return ((pif_index() == o.pif_index()) && (enabled() == o.enabled()) && (broadcast() == o.broadcast()) && (loopback() == o.loopback()) && (point_to_point() == o.point_to_point()) && (multicast() == o.multicast())); } void finalize_state(); string str() const; protected: const string _ifname; const string _vifname; uint16_t _pif_index; bool _enabled; bool _broadcast; bool _loopback; bool _point_to_point; bool _multicast; V4Map _v4addrs; V6Map _v6addrs; }; /** * Class for holding an IPv4 interface address and address related items. */ class IfTreeAddr4 : public IfTreeItem { public: IfTreeAddr4(const IPv4& addr) : IfTreeItem(), _addr(addr), _enabled(false), _broadcast(false), _loopback(false), _point_to_point(false), _multicast(false), _prefix_len(0) {} inline const IPv4& addr() const { return _addr; } inline bool enabled() const { return _enabled; } inline bool broadcast() const { return _broadcast; } inline bool loopback() const { return _loopback; } inline bool point_to_point() const { return _point_to_point; } inline bool multicast() const { return _multicast; } inline void set_enabled(bool en) { _enabled = en; mark(CHANGED); } inline void set_broadcast(bool v) { _broadcast = v; mark(CHANGED); } inline void set_loopback(bool v) { _loopback = v; mark(CHANGED); } inline void set_point_to_point(bool v) { _point_to_point = v; mark(CHANGED); } inline void set_multicast(bool v) { _multicast = v; mark(CHANGED); } /** * Get prefix length associates with address. */ inline uint32_t prefix_len() const { return _prefix_len; } /** * Set prefix length associate with address. * @return true on success, false if prefix length is invalid. */ bool set_prefix_len(uint32_t prefix_len); /** * Get the broadcast address. * @return the broadcast address or IPv4::ZERO() if there is no * broadcast address set. */ IPv4 bcast() const; /** * Set the broadcast address. * @param baddr the broadcast address. */ void set_bcast(const IPv4& baddr); /** * Get the endpoint address of a point-to-point link. * @return the broadcast address or IPv4::ZERO() if there is no * broadcast address set. */ IPv4 endpoint() const; /** * Set the endpoint address of a point-to-point link. * @param oaddr the endpoint address. */ void set_endpoint(const IPv4& oaddr); /** * Copy state of internal variables from another IfTreeAddr4. */ inline void copy_state(const IfTreeAddr4& o) { set_enabled(o.enabled()); set_broadcast(o.broadcast()); set_loopback(o.loopback()); set_point_to_point(o.point_to_point()); set_multicast(o.multicast()); if (o.broadcast()) set_bcast(o.bcast()); if (o.point_to_point()) set_endpoint(o.endpoint()); set_prefix_len(o.prefix_len()); } /** * Test if the address-specific internal state is same. * * @param o the IfTreeAddr4 to compare against. * @return true if the address-specific internal state is same. */ inline bool is_same_state(const IfTreeAddr4& o) { return ((enabled() == o.enabled()) && (broadcast() == o.broadcast()) && (loopback() == o.loopback()) && (point_to_point() == o.point_to_point()) && (multicast() == o.multicast()) && (bcast() == o.bcast()) && (endpoint() == o.endpoint()) && (prefix_len() == o.prefix_len())); } void finalize_state(); string str() const; protected: IPv4 _addr; bool _enabled; bool _broadcast; bool _loopback; bool _point_to_point; bool _multicast; IPv4 _oaddr; // Other address - p2p endpoint or bcast addr uint32_t _prefix_len; // The prefix length }; /** * Class for holding an IPv6 interface address and address related items. */ class IfTreeAddr6 : public IfTreeItem { public: IfTreeAddr6(const IPv6& addr) : IfTreeItem(), _addr(addr), _enabled(false), _loopback(false), _point_to_point(false), _multicast(false), _prefix_len(0) {} const IPv6& addr() const { return _addr; } inline bool enabled() const { return _enabled; } inline bool loopback() const { return _loopback; } inline bool point_to_point() const { return _point_to_point; } inline bool multicast() const { return _multicast; } inline void set_enabled(bool en) { _enabled = en; mark(CHANGED); } inline void set_loopback(bool v) { _loopback = v; mark(CHANGED); } inline void set_point_to_point(bool v) { _point_to_point = v; mark(CHANGED); } inline void set_multicast(bool v) { _multicast = v; mark(CHANGED); } /** * Get prefix length associated with address. */ inline uint32_t prefix_len() const { return _prefix_len; } /** * Set prefix length associate with address. * @return true on success, false if prefix length is invalid. */ bool set_prefix_len(uint32_t prefix_len); IPv6 endpoint() const; void set_endpoint(const IPv6& oaddr); /** * Copy state of internal variables from another IfTreeAddr6. */ inline void copy_state(const IfTreeAddr6& o) { set_enabled(o.enabled()); set_loopback(o.loopback()); set_point_to_point(o.point_to_point()); set_multicast(o.multicast()); if (o.point_to_point()) set_endpoint(o.endpoint()); set_prefix_len(o.prefix_len()); } /** * Test if the address-specific internal state is same. * * @param o the IfTreeAddr6 to compare against. * @return true if the address-specific internal state is same. */ inline bool is_same_state(const IfTreeAddr6& o) { return ((enabled() == o.enabled()) && (loopback() == o.loopback()) && (point_to_point() == o.point_to_point()) && (multicast() == o.multicast()) && (endpoint() == o.endpoint()) && (prefix_len() == o.prefix_len())); } void finalize_state(); string str() const; protected: IPv6 _addr; bool _enabled; bool _loopback; bool _point_to_point; bool _multicast; IPv6 _oaddr; // Other address - p2p endpoint uint32_t _prefix_len; // The prefix length }; // // Inline IfTree methods // inline IfTree::IfMap::iterator IfTree::get_if(const string& ifn) { return _ifs.find(ifn); } inline IfTree::IfMap::const_iterator IfTree::get_if(const string& ifn) const { return _ifs.find(ifn); } // // Inline IfTreeInterface methods // inline IfTreeInterface::VifMap::iterator IfTreeInterface::get_vif(const string& vifname) { return _vifs.find(vifname); } inline IfTreeInterface::VifMap::const_iterator IfTreeInterface::get_vif(const string& vifname) const { return _vifs.find(vifname); } // // Inline IfTreeVif methods // inline IfTreeVif::V4Map::iterator IfTreeVif::get_addr(const IPv4& a) { return _v4addrs.find(a); } inline IfTreeVif::V6Map::iterator IfTreeVif::get_addr(const IPv6& a) { return _v6addrs.find(a); } inline IfTreeVif::V4Map::const_iterator IfTreeVif::get_addr(const IPv4& a) const { return _v4addrs.find(a); } inline IfTreeVif::V6Map::const_iterator IfTreeVif::get_addr(const IPv6& a) const { return _v6addrs.find(a); } #endif // __FEA_IFTREE_HH__