Source: ../../libxipc/xrl_error.hh

Annotated List
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// $XORP: xorp/libxipc/xrl_error.hh,v 1.10 2003/09/12 00:48:39 hodson Exp $


#include <string>

#include "config.h"
#include "libxorp/xorp.h"
#include "libxorp/c_format.hh"

struct XrlErrlet;

enum XrlErrorCode {
    OKAY		  = 100,
    BAD_ARGS		  = 101,
    COMMAND_FAILED	  = 102,

    NO_FINDER		  = 200,
    RESOLVE_FAILED	  = 201,
    NO_SUCH_METHOD	  = 202,

    SEND_FAILED		  = 210,
    REPLY_TIMED_OUT	  = 211,

    INTERNAL_ERROR	  = 220

 * All known error codes arising from XRL dispatches.  These include
 * underlying transport, transport location, and invocation failures.
 * This class can be sub-classed to provide a sub-set of the known
 * errors, and also to append domain specific errors.
class XrlError {
     * The value that should be returned by functions whose execution
     * completed normally.
    static const XrlError& OKAY();

     * The value that should be returned when the arguments in an XRL
     * do not match what the receiver expected.
    static const XrlError& BAD_ARGS();

     * The value that should be returned when the command cannot be
     * executed by Xrl Target.
    static const XrlError& COMMAND_FAILED();

     * The Xrl Finder process is not running or not ready to resolve
     * Xrl target names
    static const XrlError& NO_FINDER();

     * Returned when an XRL cannot be dispatched because the target name
     * is not registered in the system.
    static const XrlError& RESOLVE_FAILED();

     * Returned when the method within the XRL is not recognized by
     * the receiver.
    static const XrlError& NO_SUCH_METHOD();

     * Returned when the underlying XRL transport mechanism fails.
    static const XrlError& SEND_FAILED();

     * Returned when the reply is not returned within the timeout
     * period of the underlying transport mechanism.
    static const XrlError& REPLY_TIMED_OUT();

     * Returned when the underlying XRL transport mechanism fails.
    static const XrlError& SEND_FAILED_TRANSIENT();

     * An error has occurred within the XRL system.  This is usually a sign
     * of an implementation issue.  This error replaces no longer
     * existent errors of CORRUPT_XRL, CORRUPT_XRL_RESPONSE, and
     * BAD_PROTOCOL_VERSION.  The note associated with the error should
     * contain more information.
    static const XrlError& INTERNAL_ERROR();

     * @return the unique identifer number associated with error.
    XrlErrorCode error_code() const;

     * @return string containing textual description of error.
    const char* error_msg() const;

     * @return string containing user annotation about source of error
     * (if set).
    const string& note() const { return _note; }

     * @return string containing error_code(), error_msg(), and note().
    inline string str() const {
	string r = c_format("%d ", error_code()) + error_msg();
	return note().size() ? (r + " " + note()) : r;

     * @return true if error_code corresponds to known error.
    static bool known_code(uint32_t code);

    XrlError(XrlErrorCode error_code, const string& note = "");
    XrlError(const XrlError& xe) : _errlet(xe._errlet), _note(xe._note) {}

    /* Strictly for classes that have access to XrlErrlet to construct
       XrlError's */
    XrlError(const XrlErrlet& x, const string& note = "") :
	_errlet(&x), _note(note) {}

    XrlError(const XrlErrlet*);

    const XrlErrlet* _errlet;
    string	     _note;

 * Error codes for user callbacks.
 * These are a subset of @ref XrlError
struct XrlCmdError {
     * The default return value.  Indicates that the arguments to the
     * XRL method were correct.  Inability to perform operation should
     * still return OKAY(), but the return list should indicate the
     * error.
    inline static const XrlCmdError OKAY() { return XrlError::OKAY(); }

     * Return value when the method arguments are incorrect.
    inline static const XrlCmdError BAD_ARGS(const string& reason = "")
	return XrlError(XrlError::BAD_ARGS().error_code(), reason);

     * Return value when the method could not be execute.
    inline static const XrlCmdError COMMAND_FAILED(const string& reason = "")
	return XrlError(XrlError::COMMAND_FAILED().error_code(), reason);

     * Convert to XrlError (needed for XRL protocol families).
    operator XrlError() const { return _xrl_error; }

     * @return string containing representation of command error.
    inline string str() const
	return string("XrlCmdError ") + _xrl_error.str();

     * @return the unique identifer number associated with error.
    inline XrlErrorCode error_code() const
	return _xrl_error.error_code();

     * @return note associated with origin of error (i.e., the reason).
    inline string note() const
	return _xrl_error.note();
    XrlCmdError(const XrlError& xe) : _xrl_error(xe) {}
    const XrlError _xrl_error;

 * Test for equality between a pair of XrlError instances.  The test
 * only examines the error codes associated with each instance.
inline bool operator==(const XrlError& e1, const XrlError& e2)
    return e1.error_code() == e2.error_code();

 * Test for inequality between a pair of XrlError instances.  The test
 * only examines the error codes associated with each instance.
inline bool operator!=(const XrlError& e1, const XrlError& e2)
    return e1.error_code() != e2.error_code();

#endif // __LIBXIPC_XRL_ERROR_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Nov 6 23:46:53 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.