Source: ../../fea/ifmanager_transaction.hh

Annotated List
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// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
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// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/fea/ifmanager_transaction.hh,v 1.5 2003/09/30 03:07:56 pavlin Exp $


#include <string>

#include "config.h"

#include "libxorp/c_format.hh"
#include "libxorp/transaction.hh"

#include "iftree.hh"

class InterfaceTransactionManager : public TransactionManager
    InterfaceTransactionManager(EventLoop&	e,
				uint32_t	timeout_ms,
				uint32_t	max_pending);


    inline void reset_error()			{ _first_error.erase(); }

    inline const string& error() const 		{ return _first_error; }

    virtual void pre_commit(uint32_t tid);

    virtual void operation_result(bool success,
				  const TransactionOperation& op);

    string   _first_error;
    uint32_t _tid_exec;

 * Base class for Interface related operations acting on an
 * IfTree.
class InterfaceManagerOperation : public TransactionOperation {
    InterfaceManagerOperation(IfTree& it, const string& ifname)
	: _it(it), _ifname(ifname) {}

     * The interface / vif / address stored in operation exist.
    virtual bool path_valid() const = 0;

     * @return space separated path description.
    virtual string path() const 		{ return _ifname; }

    inline const string& ifname() const		{ return _ifname; }

    inline const IfTree& iftree() const		{ return _it; }

    inline IfTree& iftree() 			{ return _it; }

    IfTree& _it;
    const string    	   _ifname;

 * Class for adding an interface.
class AddInterface : public InterfaceManagerOperation {
    AddInterface(IfTree& it, const string& ifname)
	: InterfaceManagerOperation(it, ifname) {}

    bool dispatch() 		{ iftree().add_if(ifname()); return true; }

    string str() const 		{ return string("AddInterface: ") + ifname(); }

    bool path_valid() const	{ return true; }

 * Class for removing an interface.
class RemoveInterface : public InterfaceManagerOperation {
    RemoveInterface(IfTree& it, const string& ifname)
	: InterfaceManagerOperation(it, ifname) {}

    bool dispatch() 		{ return iftree().remove_if(ifname()); }

    string str() const {
	return string("RemoveInterface: ") + ifname();

    bool path_valid() const	{ return true; }

 * Base class for interface modifier operations.
class InterfaceModifier : public InterfaceManagerOperation {
    InterfaceModifier(IfTree& it, const string& ifname)
	: InterfaceManagerOperation(it, ifname) {}

    bool path_valid() const	{ return interface() != 0; }

    inline IfTreeInterface* interface() {
	IfTree::IfMap::iterator ii = iftree().get_if(ifname());
	if (iftree().ifs().end() == ii) return 0;
	return &(ii->second);
    inline const IfTreeInterface* interface() const {
	IfTree::IfMap::const_iterator ii = iftree().get_if(ifname());
	if (iftree().ifs().end() == ii) return 0;
	return &(ii->second);

 * Class for setting the enabled state of an interface.
class SetInterfaceEnabled : public InterfaceModifier {
    SetInterfaceEnabled(IfTree&		it,
			const string&	ifname,
			bool		en)
	: InterfaceModifier(it, ifname), _en(en) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeInterface* fi = interface();
	if (fi == 0) return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	return c_format("SetInterfaceEnabled: %s %s",
			ifname().c_str(), _en ? "true" : "false");

    bool _en;

 * Class for setting an interface mtu.
class SetInterfaceMTU : public InterfaceModifier {
    SetInterfaceMTU(IfTree&		it,
		    const string&	ifname,
		    uint32_t		mtu)
	: InterfaceModifier(it, ifname), _mtu(mtu) {}

    static const uint32_t MIN_MTU = 68;
    static const uint32_t MAX_MTU = 65536;
    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeInterface* fi = interface();
	if (fi == 0) return false;

	if (_mtu < MIN_MTU || _mtu > MAX_MTU)
	    return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	string s = c_format("SetInterfaceMTU: %s %d", ifname().c_str(), _mtu);
	if (_mtu < MIN_MTU || _mtu > MAX_MTU) {
	    s += c_format(" (valid range %d--%d)", MIN_MTU, MAX_MTU);
	return s;

    uint32_t _mtu;

 * Class for setting an interface mac.
class SetInterfaceMAC : public InterfaceModifier {
    SetInterfaceMAC(IfTree&		it,
		    const string&	ifname,
		    const Mac&		mac)
	: InterfaceModifier(it, ifname), _mac(mac) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeInterface* fi = interface();
	if (fi == 0) return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	return c_format("SetInterfaceMAC: %s %s",
			ifname().c_str(), _mac.str().c_str());
    Mac _mac;

 * Class for adding a VIF to an interface.
class AddInterfaceVif : public InterfaceModifier {
    AddInterfaceVif(IfTree&		it,
		    const string&	ifname,
		    const string&	vifname)
	: InterfaceModifier(it, ifname), _vifname(vifname) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeInterface* fi = interface();
	if (fi == 0) return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	return c_format("AddInterfaceVif: %s %s",
			ifname().c_str(), _vifname.c_str());

    const string _vifname;

 * Class for removing a VIF from an interface.
class RemoveInterfaceVif : public InterfaceModifier {
    RemoveInterfaceVif(IfTree&		it,
		    const string&	ifname,
		    const string&	vifname)
	: InterfaceModifier(it, ifname), _vifname(vifname) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeInterface* fi = interface();
	if (fi == 0) return false;
	return fi->remove_vif(_vifname);

    string str() const {
	return c_format("RemoveInterfaceVif: %s %s",
			ifname().c_str(), _vifname.c_str());

    const string _vifname;

 * Base class for vif modifier operations.
class VifModifier : public InterfaceModifier {
    VifModifier(IfTree&		it,
		const string&	ifname,
		const string&	vifname)
	: InterfaceModifier(it, ifname), _vifname(vifname) {}

    bool path_valid() const			{ return vif() != 0; }

    string path() const {
	return InterfaceModifier::path() + string(" ") + vifname();

    const string& vifname() const 		{ return _vifname; }

    IfTreeVif* vif() {
	IfTreeInterface* fi = interface();
	if (fi == 0)
	    return 0;
	IfTreeInterface::VifMap::iterator vi = fi->get_vif(_vifname);
	if (vi == fi->vifs().end())
	    return 0;
	return &(vi->second);
    const IfTreeVif* vif() const {
	const IfTreeInterface* fi = interface();
	if (fi == 0)
	    return 0;
	IfTreeInterface::VifMap::const_iterator vi = fi->get_vif(_vifname);
	if (vi == fi->vifs().end())
	    return 0;
	return &(vi->second);

    const string _vifname;

 * Class for setting the enabled state of a vif.
class SetVifEnabled : public VifModifier {
    SetVifEnabled(IfTree& 	it,
		  const string&	ifname,
		  const string&	vifname,
		  bool		en)
	: VifModifier(it, ifname, vifname), _en(en) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeVif* fv = vif();
	if (fv == 0) return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	return c_format("SetVifEnabled: %s %s",
			path().c_str(), _en ? "true" : "false");

    bool _en;

 * Class for adding an IPv4 address to a VIF.
class AddAddr4 : public VifModifier {
    AddAddr4(IfTree&		it,
	     const string&	ifname,
	     const string&	vifname,
	     const IPv4&	addr)
	: VifModifier(it, ifname, vifname), _addr(addr) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeVif* fv = vif();
	if (fv == 0) return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	return c_format("AddAddr4: %s %s",
			path().c_str(), _addr.str().c_str());

    IPv4 _addr;

 * Class for removing an IPv4 address to a VIF.
class RemoveAddr4 : public VifModifier {
    RemoveAddr4(IfTree&		it,
		const string&	ifname,
		const string&	vifname,
		const IPv4&	addr)
	: VifModifier(it, ifname, vifname), _addr(addr) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeVif* fv = vif();
	if (fv == 0) return false;
	return fv->remove_addr(_addr);

    string str() const {
	return c_format("RemoveAddr4: %s %s",
			path().c_str(), _addr.str().c_str());

    IPv4 _addr;

 * Class for adding an IPv6 address to a VIF.
class AddAddr6 : public VifModifier {
    AddAddr6(IfTree&		it,
	     const string&	ifname,
	     const string&	vifname,
	     const IPv6&	addr)
	: VifModifier(it, ifname, vifname), _addr(addr) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeVif* fv = vif();
	if (fv == 0) return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	return c_format("AddAddr6: %s %s",
			path().c_str(), _addr.str().c_str());

    IPv6 _addr;

 * Class for removing an IPv6 address to a VIF.
class RemoveAddr6 : public VifModifier {
    RemoveAddr6(IfTree&		it,
		const string&	ifname,
		const string&	vifname,
		const IPv6& 	addr)
	: VifModifier(it, ifname, vifname), _addr(addr) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeVif* fv = vif();
	if (fv == 0) return false;
	return fv->remove_addr(_addr);

    string str() const {
	return c_format("RemoveAddr6: %s %s",
			path().c_str(), _addr.str().c_str());

    IPv6 _addr;

 * Base class for IPv4vif address modifier operations.
class Addr4Modifier : public VifModifier {
    Addr4Modifier(IfTree& 	it,
		  const string&	ifname,
		  const string&	vifname,
		  const IPv4&	addr)
	: VifModifier(it, ifname, vifname), _addr(addr) {}

    bool path_valid() const	{ return addr() != 0; }

    string path() const {
	return VifModifier::path() + string(" ") + _addr.str();

    IfTreeAddr4* addr() {
	IfTreeVif* fv = vif();
	if (fv == 0)
	    return 0;
	IfTreeVif::V4Map::iterator ai = fv->get_addr(_addr);
	if (ai == fv->v4addrs().end())
	    return 0;
	return &(ai->second);
    const IfTreeAddr4* addr() const {
	const IfTreeVif* fv = vif();
	if (fv == 0)
	    return 0;
	IfTreeVif::V4Map::const_iterator ai = fv->get_addr(_addr);
	if (ai == fv->v4addrs().end())
	    return 0;
	return &(ai->second);

    const IPv4 _addr;

 * Class to set enable state of an IPv4 address associated with a vif.
class SetAddr4Enabled : public Addr4Modifier {
    SetAddr4Enabled(IfTree&		it,
		    const string&	ifname,
		    const string&	vifname,
		    const IPv4&		addr,
		    bool		en)
	: Addr4Modifier(it, ifname, vifname, addr), _en(en) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeAddr4* fa = addr();
	if (fa == 0) return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	return c_format("SetAddr4Enabled: %s %s",
			path().c_str(), _en ? "true" : "false");

    bool _en;

 * Class to set the prefix of an IPv4 address associated with a vif.
class SetAddr4Prefix : public Addr4Modifier {
    SetAddr4Prefix(IfTree&		it,
		   const string&	ifname,
		   const string&	vifname,
		   const IPv4&		addr,
		   uint32_t		prefix_len)
	: Addr4Modifier(it, ifname, vifname, addr), _prefix_len(prefix_len) {}

    static const uint32_t MAX_PREFIX_LEN = 32;
    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeAddr4* fa = addr();
	if (fa == 0 || _prefix_len > MAX_PREFIX_LEN)
	    return false;
	return fa->set_prefix_len(_prefix_len);

    string str() const {
	string s = c_format("SetAddr4Prefix: %s %d", path().c_str(),
	if (_prefix_len > MAX_PREFIX_LEN)
	    s += c_format(" (valid range 0--%d)", MAX_PREFIX_LEN);
	return s;

    uint32_t _prefix_len;

 * Class to set the endpoint IPv4 address associated with a vif.
class SetAddr4Endpoint : public Addr4Modifier {
    SetAddr4Endpoint(IfTree&	 	it,
		     const string&	ifname,
		     const string&	vifname,
		     const IPv4&	addr,
		     const IPv4&	endpoint)
	: Addr4Modifier(it, ifname, vifname, addr), _endpoint(endpoint) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeAddr4* fa = addr();
	if (fa == 0) return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	return c_format("SetAddr4Endpoint: %s %s",
			path().c_str(), _endpoint.str().c_str());

    IPv4 _endpoint;

 * Class to set the broadcast address IPv4 address associated with a vif.
class SetAddr4Broadcast : public Addr4Modifier {
    SetAddr4Broadcast(IfTree&		it,
		      const string&	ifname,
		      const string&	vifname,
		      const IPv4&	addr,
		      const IPv4&	bcast)
	: Addr4Modifier(it, ifname, vifname, addr), _bcast(bcast) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeAddr4* fa = addr();
	if (fa == 0) return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	return c_format("SetAddr4Broadcast: %s %s",
			path().c_str(), _bcast.str().c_str());

    IPv4 _bcast;

 * Base class for IPv6vif address modifier operations.
class Addr6Modifier : public VifModifier {
    Addr6Modifier(IfTree&	it,
		  const string&	ifname,
		  const string&	vifname,
		  const IPv6&	addr)
	: VifModifier(it, ifname, vifname), _addr(addr) {}

    bool path_valid() const	{ return addr() != 0; }

    string path() const {
	return VifModifier::path() + string(" ") + _addr.str();

    IfTreeAddr6* addr() {
	IfTreeVif* fv = vif();
	if (fv == 0)
	    return 0;
	IfTreeVif::V6Map::iterator ai = fv->get_addr(_addr);
	if (ai == fv->v6addrs().end())
	    return 0;
	return &(ai->second);

    const IfTreeAddr6* addr() const {
	const IfTreeVif* fv = vif();
	if (fv == 0)
	    return 0;
	IfTreeVif::V6Map::const_iterator ai = fv->get_addr(_addr);
	if (ai == fv->v6addrs().end())
	    return 0;
	return &(ai->second);

    const IPv6 _addr;

 * Class to set the enabled state of an IPv6 address associated with a vif.
class SetAddr6Enabled : public Addr6Modifier {
    SetAddr6Enabled(IfTree& 		it,
		    const string&	ifname,
		    const string&	vifname,
		    const IPv6&		addr,
		    bool		en)
	: Addr6Modifier(it, ifname, vifname, addr), _en(en) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeAddr6* fa = addr();
	if (fa == 0) return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	return c_format("SetAddr6Enabled: %s %s",
			path().c_str(), _en ? "true" : "false");

    bool _en;

 * Class to set the prefix of an IPv6 address associated with a vif.
class SetAddr6Prefix : public Addr6Modifier {
    SetAddr6Prefix(IfTree&		it,
		   const string&	ifname,
		   const string&	vifname,
		   const IPv6&		addr,
		   uint32_t		prefix_len)
	: Addr6Modifier(it, ifname, vifname, addr), _prefix_len(prefix_len) {}

    static const uint32_t MAX_PREFIX_LEN = 128;
    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeAddr6* fa = addr();
	if (fa == 0 || _prefix_len > MAX_PREFIX_LEN)
	    return false;
	return fa->set_prefix_len(_prefix_len);

    string str() const {
	string s = c_format("SetAddr6Prefix: %s %d", path().c_str(),
	if (_prefix_len > MAX_PREFIX_LEN)
	    s += c_format(" (valid range 0--%d)", MAX_PREFIX_LEN);
	return s;

    uint32_t _prefix_len;

 * Class to set the endpoint IPv6 address associated with a vif.
class SetAddr6Endpoint : public Addr6Modifier {
    SetAddr6Endpoint(IfTree& 		it,
		     const string&	ifname,
		     const string&	vifname,
		     const IPv6&	addr,
		     const IPv6&	endpoint)
	: Addr6Modifier(it, ifname, vifname, addr), _endpoint(endpoint) {}

    bool dispatch() {
	IfTreeAddr6* fa = addr();
	if (fa == 0) return false;
	return true;

    string str() const {
	return c_format("SetAddr6Endpoint: %s %s",
			path().c_str(), _endpoint.str().c_str());

    IPv6 _endpoint;


Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Nov 6 23:46:57 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.