Source: ../../libxipc/xrl_pf_stcp.hh

Annotated List
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/libxipc/xrl_pf_stcp.hh,v 1.6 2003/03/10 23:20:28 hodson Exp $

#ifndef __XRLPF_STCP_HH__
#define __XRLPF_STCP_HH__

#include "xrl_pf.hh"
#include "libxorp/asyncio.hh"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// XRL Protocol Family : Simplest TCP

class STCPRequestHandler;
class XrlPFSTCPSender;
class STCPPacketHeader;

struct RequestState {
    XrlPFSTCPSender*		parent;
    uint32_t			seqno;
    Xrl				xrl;
    XorpTimer			timeout;
    XrlPFSender::SendCallback	callback;

    RequestState(XrlPFSTCPSender* p, uint32_t sno, const Xrl& x,
		 const XrlPFSender::SendCallback& cb)
	: parent(p), seqno(sno), xrl(x), callback(cb)

    bool has_seqno(uint32_t n) const { return seqno == n; }

class XrlPFSTCPListener : public XrlPFListener {
    XrlPFSTCPListener(EventLoop& e, XrlCmdDispatcher* xr = 0, uint16_t port = 0)
	throw (XrlPFConstructorError);

    const char* address() const	{ return _address_slash_port.c_str(); }
    const char* protocol() const { return _protocol; }

    void add_request_handler(STCPRequestHandler* h);
    void remove_request_handler(const STCPRequestHandler* h);

    void connect_hook(int fd, SelectorMask m);

    int	_fd;
    string _address_slash_port;
    list<STCPRequestHandler*> _request_handlers;

    static const char* _protocol;
    static const uint32_t _timeout_period;

class XrlPFSTCPSender : public XrlPFSender {
    XrlPFSTCPSender(EventLoop& e, const char* address = NULL)
	throw (XrlPFConstructorError);
    virtual ~XrlPFSTCPSender();

    void send(const Xrl& x, const XrlPFSender::SendCallback& cb);
    bool sends_pending() const 			{ return true; }
    bool alive() const 				{ return _fd > 0; }

    static const char* protocol() 		{ return _protocol; }

    // Response timeout control
    void set_timeout_ms(uint32_t t)		{ _timeout_ms = t; }
    uint32_t timeout_ms() const 		{ return _timeout_ms; }

    // Keepalive interval
    void set_keepalive_ms(uint32_t t);
    uint32_t keepalive_ms() const		{ return _keepalive_ms; }

    void send_first_request();
    void die(const char* reason);
    void prepare_packet(const XrlPFSender::Request& r);

    int _fd;

    // Transmission related
    AsyncFileWriter* _writer;

    list<RequestState> _requests_pending;	// All requests pending
    list<RequestState> _requests_sent;		// All requests sent

    vector<uint8_t>	_request_packet;
    uint32_t		_current_seqno;

    void update_writer(AsyncFileWriter::Event	e,
		       const uint8_t*		buffer,
		       size_t 			buffer_bytes,
		       size_t 			bytes_done);

    RequestState* find_request(uint32_t seqno);
    void postpone_timeout(uint32_t seqno);
    void timeout_request(uint32_t seqno);

    // Tunable timer variables
    uint32_t _timeout_ms;
    uint32_t _keepalive_ms;

    // Reception related
    AsyncFileReader*	    _reader;
    vector<uint8_t>	    _reply;
    const STCPPacketHeader* _sph;

    void prepare_for_reply_header();

    void recv_data(AsyncFileReader::Event	ev,
		   const uint8_t*		buffer,
		   size_t			buffer_bytes,
		   size_t			offset);

    void dispatch_reply();

    // Keepalive related
    XorpTimer		_keepalive_timer;
    vector<uint8_t>	_keepalive_packet;
    bool		_keepalive_in_progress;

    inline void start_keepalives();
    inline void stop_keepalives();
    inline void postpone_keepalive();
    inline bool send_keepalive();
    void confirm_keepalive(AsyncFileOperator::Event	e,
			   const uint8_t*		buffer,
			   size_t			buffer_bytes,
			   size_t			offset);

    // General stuff
    static const char* _protocol;

#endif // __XRLPF_STCP_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Mon Mar 10 19:34:49 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.