Source: ../../libxorp/vif.hh

Annotated List
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001,2002 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
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// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/vif.hh,v 2002/12/11 23:56:05 hodson Exp $

#ifndef __LIBXORP_VIF_HH__
#define __LIBXORP_VIF_HH__

#include <list>

#include "xorp.h"
#include "ipv4.hh"
#include "ipv6.hh"
#include "ipvxnet.hh"
#include "ipvx.hh"

 * @short Virtual interface address class
 * VifAddr holds information about an address of a virtual interface.
 * A virtual interface may have more than one VifAddr.
class VifAddr {
     * Constructor for a given address.
     * @param ipvx_addr the interface address.
    VifAddr(const IPvX& ipvx_addr);

     * Constructor for a given address, and its associated addresses.
     * @param ipvx_addr the interface address.
     * @param ipvx_subnet_addr the subnet address.
     * @param ipvx_broadcast_addr the broadcast address (if the interface
     * is broadcast-capable).
     * @param ipvx_peer_addr the peer address (if the interface is
     * point-to-point).
    VifAddr(const IPvX& ipvx_addr, const IPvXNet& ipvx_subnet_addr,
	    const IPvX& ipvx_broadcast_addr, const IPvX& ipvx_peer_addr);
     * Get the interface address.
     * @return the interface address.
    const IPvX&		addr()		const	{ return (_addr);	}

     * Get the subnet address.
     * @return the subnet address of the interface.
    const IPvXNet&	subnet_addr()	const	{ return (_subnet_addr); }

     * Get the broadcast address.
     * The broadcast address is valid only if the interface is broadcast
     * capable.
     * @return the broadcast address of the interface.
    const IPvX&		broadcast_addr() const	{ return (_broadcast_addr); }

     * Get the peer address.
     * The peer address is valid only if the interface is point-to-point.
     * @return the peer address of the interface.
    const IPvX&		peer_addr()	const	{ return (_peer_addr);	}
     * Set the interface address.
     * @param v the interface address to set to the interface.
    void  set_addr(const IPvX& v)		{ _addr = v;		}

     * Set the subnet address.
     * @param v the subnet address to set to the interface.
    void  set_subnet_addr(const IPvXNet& v)	{ _subnet_addr = v;	}

     * Set the broadcast address.
     * @param v the broadcast address to set to the interface.
    void  set_broadcast_addr(const IPvX& v)	{ _broadcast_addr = v;	}

     * Set the peer address.
     * @param v the peer address to set to the interface.
    void  set_peer_addr(const IPvX& v)		{ _peer_addr = v;	}
     * Test whether is the same interface address.
     * @param ipvx_addr the address to test whether is the same as my
     * interface address.
     * @return true if @ref ipvx_addr is same as my interface address,
     * otherwise false.
    bool  is_same_addr(const IPvX& ipvx_addr) const { return (addr() == ipvx_addr); }
     * Test whether is the same subnet.
     * @param ipvxnet the subnet address to test whether is the
     * same as my subnet address.
     * @return true if @ref ipvxnet is same as my subnet address,
     * otherwise false.
    bool  is_same_subnet(const IPvXNet& ipvxnet) const;
     * Test whether an address belongs to my subnet.
     * @param ipvx_addr the address to test whether it belongs to my subnet.
     * @return true if @ref ipvx_addr belongs to my subnet, otherwise false.
    bool  is_same_subnet(const IPvX& ipvx_addr) const;
     * Convert this address from binary form to presentation format.
     * @return C++ string with the human-readable ASCII representation
     * of the address.
    string str() const;
     * Equality Operator
     * @param other the right-hand operand to compare against.
     * @return true if the left-hand operand is numerically same as the
     * right-hand operand.
    bool operator==(const VifAddr& other) const;
    IPvX	_addr;				// IP address of the vif
    IPvXNet	_subnet_addr;			// Subnet address on the vif
    IPvX	_broadcast_addr;		// Network broadcast address
    IPvX	_peer_addr;			// Peer address (on p2p links)

 * @short Virtual Interface class
 * Vif holds information about a virtual interface.  A Vif may
 * represent a physical interface, or may represent more abstract
 * entities such as the Discard interface, or a VLAN on a physical
 * interface.
class Vif {
     * Constructor for a given virtual interface name.
     * @param vifname string representation of the virtual interface 
     * (e.g., "port 0").
     * @param ifname string representation of associated interface.
    Vif(const string& vifname, const string& ifname = string(""));
     * Constructor to clone a Vif.
     * @param vif the virtual interface to clone.
    Vif(const Vif& vif);
     * Destructor
    virtual ~Vif();
     * Convert this Vif from binary form to presentation format.
     * @return C++ string with the human-readable ASCII representation
     * of the Vif.
    string str() const;

     * Equality Operator
     * @param other the right-hand operand to compare against.
     * @return true if the left-hand operand is numerically same as the
     * right-hand operand.
    bool operator==(const Vif& other) const;
     * Get the vif name.
     * @return a string representation of the vif name.
    const string& name() const { return _name;}

     * Get the name of the physical interface associated with vif.
     * @return string representation of interface name.
    const string& ifname() const { return _ifname; }

     * Set the name of the physical interface associated with vif.
     * @param ifname
    void set_ifname(const string& ifname) { _ifname = ifname; }

     * Get the physical interface index.
     * @return the physical interface index (if applicable).
    uint16_t pif_index() const { return (_pif_index); }
     * Set the physical interface index.
     * @param v the value of the physical interface index to set to.
    void set_pif_index(uint16_t v) { _pif_index = v; }
     * Various vif_index related values.
    enum {
	VIF_INDEX_INVALID	= ((uint16_t)~0),
	VIF_INDEX_MAX		= ((uint16_t)~0)
     * Get the virtual interface index.
     * @return the virtual interface index.
    const uint16_t vif_index() const { return (_vif_index); }
     * Set the virtual interface index.
     * @param v the value of the virtual interface index to set to.
    void set_vif_index(uint16_t v) { _vif_index = v; }

     * Test if this vif is a PIM Register interface.
     * return true if this vif is a PIM Register interface, otherwise false.
    bool	is_pim_register()	const	{ return _is_pim_register; }
     * Test if this vif is a point-to-point interface.
     * return true if this vif is a point-to-point interface, otherwise false.
    bool	is_p2p()		const	{ return _is_p2p; }
     * Test if this vif is a loopback interface.
     * return true if this vif is a loopback interface, otherwise false.
    bool	is_loopback()		const	{ return _is_loopback; }
     * Test if this vif is multicast capable.
     * return true if this vif is multicast capable, otherwise false.
    bool	is_multicast_capable(void) const { return _is_multicast_capable; }
     * Test if this vif is broadcast capable.
     * return true if this vif is broadcast capable, otherwise false.
    bool	is_broadcast_capable(void) const { return _is_broadcast_capable; }
     * Test if the underlying vif is UP.
     * An example of an underlying vif is the corresponding interface
     * inside the kernel, or the MFEA interface which a PIM interface
     * matches to.
     * return true if the underlying vif is UP (when applicable), otherwise
     * false.
    bool	is_underlying_vif_up(void) const { return _is_underlying_vif_up; }
     * Set/reset the vif as a PIM Register interface.
     * @param v if true, then set this vif as a PIM Register interface,
     * otherwise reset it.
    void	set_pim_register(bool v)	{ _is_pim_register = v; }
     * Set/reset the vif as a point-to-point interface.
     * @param v if true, then set this vif as a point-to-point interface,
     * otherwise reset it.
    void	set_p2p(bool v)			{ _is_p2p = v; }
     * Set/reset the vif as a loopback interface.
     * @param v if true, then set this vif as a loopback interface,
     * otherwise reset it.
    void	set_loopback(bool v)		{ _is_loopback = v; }
     * Set/reset the vif as multicast capable.
     * @param v if true, then set this vif as multicast capable,
     * otherwise reset it.
    void	set_multicast_capable(bool v)	{ _is_multicast_capable = v; }
     * Set/reset the vif as broadcast capable.
     * @param v if true, then set this vif as broadcast capable,
     * otherwise reset it.
    void	set_broadcast_capable(bool v)	{ _is_broadcast_capable = v; }
     * Set/reset the underlying vif status (when applicable).
     * An example of an underlying vif is the corresponding interface
     * inside the kernel, or the MFEA interface which a PIM interface
     * matches to.
     * @param v if true, then set the underlying vif status as UP,
     * otherwise the underlying vif status is set to DOWN.
    void	set_underlying_vif_up(bool v)	{ _is_underlying_vif_up = v; }

     * Get the list of all addresses for this vif.
     * @return the list of all addresses for this vif (@ref VifAddr).
    const list<VifAddr>& addr_list() const { return _addr_list; }
     * Get the first vif address.
     * @return a pointer to the first valid interface address of this vif,
     * or NULL if no addresses.
    const IPvX* addr_ptr() const;
     * Add a VifAddr address to the interface.
     * @param vif_addr the VifAddr (@ref VifAddr) to add to the list
     * of addresses for this vif.
     * @return XORP_OK if a new address, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int add_address(const VifAddr& vif_addr);
     * Add an IPvX address and all related information to the interface.
     * @param ipvx_addr the interface address.
     * @param ipvxnet_subnet_addr the subnet address.
     * @param ipvx_broadcast_addr the broadcast address.
     * @param ipvx_peer_addr the peer address.
     * @return XORP_OK if a new address, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int add_address(const IPvX& ipvx_addr,
		    const IPvXNet& ipvxnet_subnet_addr,
		    const IPvX& ipvx_broadcast_addr,
		    const IPvX& ipvx_peer_addr);
     * Add an IPvX address to the interface.
     * @param ipvx_addr the interface address.
     * @return XORP_OK if a new address, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int add_address(const IPvX& ipvx_addr);
     * Delete an IPvX address from the interface.
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int delete_address(const IPvX& ipvx_addr);
     * Find a VifAddr that corresponds to an IPvX address.
     * @param ipvx_addr the IPvX address to search for.
     * @return a pointer to the VifAddr for address @ref ipvx_addr
     * if found, otherwise NULL.
    const VifAddr *find_address(const IPvX& ipvx_addr) const;
     * Test if an IPvX address belongs to this vif.
     * @param ipvx_addr the IPvX address to test whether belongs to this vif.
     * @return true if @ref ipvx_addr belongs to this vif, otherwise false.
    bool is_my_addr(const IPvX& ipvx_addr) const;
     * Test if an VifAddr is belongs to this vif.
     * @param vif_addr the VifAddr address to test whether belongs to this vif.
     * @return true if @ref vif_addr belongs to this vif, otherwise false.
    bool is_my_vif_addr(const VifAddr& vif_addr) const;
     * Test if this vif belongs to a given subnet.
     * @param ipvxnet the subnet address to test against.
     * @return true if this vif has an address that belongs to
     * subnet @ref ipvxnet, otherwise false.
    bool is_same_subnet(const IPvXNet& ipvxnet) const;
     * Test if a given address belongs to the same subnet as this vif.
     * @param ipvx_addr the address to test against.
     * @return true if @ref ipvx_addr belongs to the same subnet as this
     * vif, otherwise false.
    bool is_same_subnet(const IPvX& ipvx_addr) const;
     * Test if a given address is directly connected to this vif.
     * @param ipvx_addr the address to test against.
     * @return true if @ref ipvx_addr is directly connected to this vif,
     * otherwise false.
    bool is_directly_connected(const IPvX& ipvx_addr) const;
    string	_name;		// The vif name
    string	_ifname;	// The physical interface name (if applicable)
    uint16_t	_pif_index;	// Physical interface index (if applicable),
				// or 0 if invalid.
    uint16_t	_vif_index;	// Virtual interface index
    bool	_is_pim_register;	// PIM Register vif
    bool	_is_p2p;		// Point-to-point interface
    bool	_is_loopback;		// Loopback interface
    bool	_is_multicast_capable;	// Multicast-capable interface
    bool	_is_broadcast_capable;	// Broadcast-capable interface
    bool	_is_underlying_vif_up;	// True if underlying vif is up
    list<VifAddr> _addr_list;		// The list of addresses for this vif

#endif // __LIBXORP_VIF_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 11 16:50:31 2002, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.