Source: ../../libxorp/time_slice.hh

Annotated List
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// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/time_slice.hh,v 2002/12/11 23:56:05 hodson Exp $


// Time-slice class declaration.

#include <sys/time.h>

#include "timeval.hh"

// Constants definitions

// Structures/classes, typedefs and macros

 * @short A class for computing whether some processing is taking too long.
 * This class can be used to compute whether some processing is taking
 * too long time to complete. It is up to the program that uses
 * TimeSlice to check whether the processing is taking too long,
 * and suspend processing of that task if necessary.
 * Example of usage:
    TimeSlice time_slice(100000, 20); // 100ms, test every 20th iteration
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) {
        if (time_slice.is_expired()) {
            // Stop processing.
            // Schedule a timer after 0 ms to continue processing.
            // If needed, save state to continue from here.
        // Do something CPU-hungry
    time_slice.reset(); // Prepare it again for later usage if needed
class TimeSlice {
     * Constructor for a given time limit and test frequency.
     * Create a TimeSlice object that will measure time slices
     * with given frequency of testing.
     * The time slice is measured once in @ref test_iter_frequency
     * times when method is_expired() is called.
     * @param usec_limit the time slice to measure in microseconds.
     * @param test_iter_frequency the frequency of measuring the time slice.
    TimeSlice(uint32_t usec_limit, size_t test_iter_frequency);
     * Reset the TimeSlice object.
    void reset();
     * Test if the time slice has expired.
     * If the time slice has expired, automatically prepare this object
     * to start measuring again the time slice.
     * @return true if the time slice has expired, otherwise false.
    inline bool is_expired();
    struct timeval	_time_slice_limit;	// The time slice to measure
    const size_t	_test_iter_frequency;	// The frequency of measuring
    struct timeval	_time_slice_start;	// When the time slice started
    size_t		_remain_iter;		// Remaning iterations to
						// check the time

// Deferred definitions
inline bool
    if (--_remain_iter)
	return (false);		// Don't test the time yet
    struct timeval time_slice_end, time_slice_sub;
    _remain_iter = _test_iter_frequency;
    // Test if the time slice has expired
    gettimeofday(&time_slice_end, NULL);
    time_slice_sub = time_slice_end - _time_slice_limit;
    if (time_slice_sub < _time_slice_start)
	return (false);		// The time slice has not expired
    // The time slice has expired
    _time_slice_start = time_slice_end;
    return (true);

// Global variables

// Global functions prototypes


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 11 16:50:31 2002, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.