************************************************************************ DDN MGT Bulletin 127 DISA DDN Defense Communications System 01 July 1993 Published by: DDN Network Info Center (NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL) (800) 365-3642 DEFENSE DATA NETWORK MANAGEMENT BULLETIN The DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN is distributed online by the DDN Network Information Center under DISA contract as a means of communicating official policy, procedures and other information of concern to management personnel at DDN facilities. Back issues may be read through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC) or may be obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the NIC.DDN.MIL host [] using login="anonymous" and password="guest". The pathname for bulletins is ddn-news/ddn-mgt-bulletin-nn.txt (where "nn" is the bulletin number). ************************************************************************ SUBJECT: SOFTWARE REQUIRED FOR DOING BGP UPDATES WITH THE DDN MILNET T-20 CORE SERVERS. (CISCO & GatedD). GATEWAY ADMINISTRATORS: PLEASE NOTE THIS BULLETIN PROVIDES SOFTWARE VERSION REQUIREMENT INFORMATION FOR GATEWAYS THAT WISH TO DO BGP WITH THE T/20 ROUTER SERVERS! THIS BULLETIN ALSO UPDATES DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN 116 INFORMATION CONCERNING THE SOFTWARE REQUIRED FOR BGP. Required Software/Firmware Versions =================================== In order to establish BGP routing sessions with the MILNET Core Routing Servers, clients with cisco gateways or clients running GateD software must use the following software versions: GateD: 3.0Alpha or later Cisco: 9.0(4.1) or later for 9.0 users 9.1(3.1) or later for 9.1 users 9.17(2.1) or later for 9.17 users (The 9.17 release is restricted for use on the cisco 7000 platform) Please note that the cisco versions listed here do not match those previously listed in DDN MGT Bulletin 116 ("New Core Routing Servers and Need for Migration from EGP to BGP"). The versions shown here have been selected based on additional testing and operational information. ROUTER/GATEWAY ADMINISTRATORS FOR NON-CISCO OR NON-GateD ROUTERS SHOULD CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE VENDOR(S) TO DETERMINE THE REQUIRED SOFTWARE VERSION TO DO BGP. Effects of Using Old Software/Firmware Versions =============================================== For GateD users, older versions of software will not support the BGP-3 protocol. For cisco users, a problem will occur as the result of the net zero default advertisement as follows: Currently, the MILNET Core Routing Servers include a default gateway advertisement in routing updates sent to the client gateways. The default gateway is advertised as the next hop to both network and network Network can be used by cisco users as a default-network, and network is used by gateD users as the default network. Older versions of cisco firmware do not accept a network advertisement in a BGP update and will handle it as an illegal network error. As a result, the cisco will terminate the routing session and then reinitiate it. The cycle of initiating and then closing the BGP session will continue repeatedly. The effect observed at the client gateway will be the BGP session starting and stopping repeatedly. This prevents the gateway from obtaining useful routing information. A client gateway with this problem also has an adverse effect on the Routing Server performance. Each time the BGP session is started, all of the MILNET routing information is sent to the client before the session is terminated. This represents a large amount of data and places a heavy load on the Routing Server and PSN interfaces. Because the client gateway repeatedly starts and stops the BGP session, a flood of information is continuously sent to the client. This will increase congestion, especially if there are a number of clients exhibiting this problem using the same Routing Server. Short-Term Workaround ===================== TO PRESERVE THE INTEGRITY OF THE BGP SESSIONS FROM THE T-20's ROUTERS WITHOUT THE CORRECT VERSION OF BGP SOFTWARE NEED TO REFRAIN FROM DOING BGP SESSIONS WITH THE T-20's. REPEATED VIOLATIONS WILL BE REPORTED TO THE DDN MILNET MANAGER FOR DOD SPONSOR RESOLUTION. Until a client gateway can be upgraded to an acceptable software or firmware version, the client can establish an EGP routing session with the Routing Server. Please do not run a BGP session between a cisco with an old version of firmware and a T/20 Routing Server since it will cause increased congestion on the network and loading of the Routing Server. DISA point of contact is Mr McDaniel, (DDN MILNET, Manager) DSN 222-7580, Coml (703) 692-7580, email address: milnetmgr@ddn-conus.ddn.mil or DDN Network Analysts, DSN 222-5584, Coml (703) 692-5584.