************************************************************************ DDN MGT Bulletin: 9408 DISA DDN Defense Communications System 18 Jul 1994 Published by: DDN Network Info Center (NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL) (800) 365-3642 DEFENSE DATA NETWORK MANAGEMENT BULLETIN The DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN is distributed online by the DDN Network Information Center under DISA contract as a means of communicating official policy, procedures and other information of concern to management personnel at DDN facilities. Back issues may be read through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC) or may be obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the NIC.DDN.MIL host [] using login="anonymous" and password="guest". The pathname for bulletins is ddn-news/ddn-mgt-bulletin-nn.txt (where "nn" is the bulletin number). ************************************************************************ IN REPLY 8 Jul 94 REFER TO: UTDS MEMORANDUM FOR DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: 1994 MILNET/DSNET1 Node Site Coordinators' Conference Minutes 1. The MILNET/DSNET1 Node Site Coordinators' (NSC) Conference was held during the period of 7-9 June 1994 at Greeley Hall, Ft Huachuca, AZ. The purpose of the conference was to furnish node site coordinators and MILDEP representatives with the most current information on activities and initiatives related to the unclassified and secret data networks. The focus of this year's conference was the Defense Data Network (DDN) transition to the IP data services of the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN). 2. The NSC Conference was a success due to the active participation of all attendees. It proved to be a valuable forum, met its objectives and resulted in recommendations to enhance the DISN transition process. We look for your continued support in our efforts to provide quality service to our customers. 3. Provided as enclosures are: 1) Agenda (as presented); 2) Summary of Briefings; 3) List of Conference Action Items and Status; 4) List of Conference Participants. Noted discrepancies or comments relative to any of the enclosures should be brought to the attention of Maj John Lent, UTDS, DSN 222-2757/COMM (703) 692-2757; E-Mail lentj@cc.ims.disa.mil. FOR THE DIRECTOR 4 Encl a/s ANTHONY S. MONTEMARANO Technical Director, Data Services Directorate 1994 MILNET/DSNET1 Node Site Coordinator Conference ======================================================================== AGENDA ======================================================================== Tuesday, 7 June 1994: ======================================================================== 0715: Registration/Administrative Remarks 0815: Welcoming/Opening Remarks LtCol Maxwell (USAISC) 0830: Conference Format Maj Lent (UTDS) 0840: Conference Expectations Maj Lent (UTDS) 0900: Break 0915: Briefing - DISA/DISO Overview Mr Montemarano (UTD) 0945: Break 1000: Briefing - DISN Router Overview Mr Montemarano (UTD) MILNET - NIPRNET DSNET1 - SIPRNET ITSDN 1045: Lunch 1215: Briefing - DDN Downsizing Mr Brewer (UTDD) 1300: Break 1315: Briefing - DISN Router NSC Responsibilities Mr Link (UTDS) 1415: Break 1430: Briefing - DDN/DISN Course Mr Dutcher (GSI) 1450: Break 1510: Briefing - DISN Monitoring Center Support for Unclassified Data Services Mr Cassel (UNR) 1545: Wrap-Up Session 1615: End of Day 1 ======================================================================== Wednesday, 8 June 94: ======================================================================== 0800: Briefing - Phase Out of MILNET/NIPR Net Plans Mr Brewer (UTDD) 0900: Break 0920: Briefing - Phase Out of DSNET1/SIPR Net Plans Mr Brewer (UTDD) 1000: Break 1015: Briefing - DISN Router Implementation Details - Provisioning Procedures Mr Montemarano (UTD) 1100: Lunch 1215: Briefing - DISN Monitoring Center Support for Classified Data Services Mr Bartlett (BBN) 1315: Break 1330: Briefing - Remote Access Terminal Service Mr Montemarano (UTD) 1400: Working Group Session NSC Responsibilities Mega Center Issues DISN Orientation 1515: End of Day 2 ======================================================================== Thursday, 9 June 1994: ======================================================================== 0800: Working Group Summary 0820: Briefing - NIC Overview and DISN Data Services Support Mr Plzak (GSI) 0930: Break 0945: Briefing - Information Systems Security Mr Van Wyk (TGGB) 1030: Break 1040: Conference Summary Maj Lent (UTDS) 1050: Action Item Summary Maj Lent (UTDS) 1110: O & M Comments CW3 Cepauskas Mr Perkins Ms Paulding 1120: Closing Comments Mr Montemarano (UTD) 1130: Conference Presentations Maj Lent (UTDS) 1140: End of Conference ======================================================================= Node Site Coordinators' Conference Briefings ======================================================================= Briefing: DISA/DISO Overview Briefer: Mr Anthony Montemarano (DISA/UTD) Summary: Briefing provided the attendees with an overview of DISA/DISO organization and functional responsibilities. The purpose of this presentation was to outline DISA/DISO responsibilities as a result of the October 1993 DISO reorganization. ======================================================================== Briefing: DISN Router Overview Briefer: Mr Anthony Montemarano (DISA/UTD) Summary: Briefing provided the attendees with an overview of the DISN data services transition. The presentation covered the evolution of the DDN, current DDN structure, and the planned composition of the DISN. Mr Montemarano also addressed the basis for transitioning to the router network and the DISA philosophy on end-to-end network responsibilities. He noted that the phase-out decision was based on the following factors to include aging packet switch technology, costs associated with the current network, and the desire to standardize protocols. Main Message: DISA is responsible for developing and implementing secure, interoperable and cost effective networking solutions to support DoD customers. ======================================================================== Briefing: DDN Downsizing Briefer: Mr Anthony Brewer (DISA/UTDD) Summary: Briefing provided the attendees with the plan to downsize the MILNET prior to its de-activation. Mr Brewer covered the downsizing objective, the determining factors governing packet switch node de-activation and a summary of Phase I and Phase II downsizing efforts. He indicated that as a result of the MILNET topology model revalidation, six nodes were approved for de-activation to complete the Phase II program. Due to trends in MILNET traffic, further downsizing will not be accomplished after the Phase II program. Main Message: MILNET downsizing actions will stop after September 1994. Any additional requests from the services for node de-activations must be submitted via a front channel message for DISA evaluation/action. ======================================================================== Briefing: DISN Router Node Site Coordinator Responsibilities Briefer: Mr Dave Link (DISA/UTDS) Summary: Briefing provided the attendees with an overview of NSC responsibilities for the DISN router equipment. Mr Link focused his presentation on the revised Node Site Coordinators Guide, the supplements to guide, and the status of the document review. He also discussed coordinator roles and responsibilities to include coordinating the installation and de-activation of DISN/DDN equipment, ensuring continuous operation of the equipment and accomplishing required administrative tasks. Main Message: Node Site Coordinator Guide and supplements are currently undergoing revision and coordination. The number of node site coordinators will be reduced for the DISN, however the basic NSC responsibilities for these sites will remain the same. ======================================================================== Briefing: The DDN/DISN Course Briefer: Mr Bill Dutcher (GSI) Summary: Briefing provided the attendees with basic information on the DDN/DISN Course. Mr Dutcher covered course objectives, target audience and course content. Due the transition to the DISN, the 1994 course is currently under revision. Course emphasis will focus on IP routers, the IDNX backbone network and the TMS network management system. Main Message: The DDN/DISN Course is an excellent orientation for the node site coordinator. The course is currently under revision, and DISA is coordinating with the services to determine 1994 course dates and locations. ======================================================================= Briefing: DISN Monitoring Center Support for Unclassified Data Services Briefer: Mr Jim Cassell (DISA/UNRR) Summary: Briefing provided the attendees with information on Columbus Monitoring Center activities to support the unclassified data router network. Mr Cassel gave an overview of the IPR network and focused his presentation on routing table management, performance management, and security management. He also discussed the network management tools used by monitoring center personnel to determine the health and performance of the unclassified IPR network. Main Message: The Columbus Monitoring Center supports over 200,000 customers at 2,000 locations. Each month, the Monitoring Center handles 2,000 calls and over 500 trouble tickets to maintain router service to DoD and other government agency customers. ======================================================================= Briefing: DISN Router Implementation Details - Provisioning Procedures Briefer: Mr Anthony Montemarano (DISA/UTD) Summary: Briefing provided attendees with an overview of the DISN transition effort. Mr Montemarano discussed the challenges associated with the transition as well as the quantitative/qualitative considerations taken to ensure a successful transition. He also focused his presentation on the phase out of both the Top Secret/SCI network (DSNET3) and the Top Secret network (DSNET2). Included in this phase of the briefing was a discussion on the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS) and the Global Command and Control System (GCCS). Additionally, Mr Montemarano provided a point of contact listing for all DISN transition issues. Main Message: The objective of the DDN phase out is to remove the DDN packet switch node infrastructure and replace it with the DISN IPR router infrastructure. The target date for this action is Sep 95, and there is an effort to accelerate this schedule. ======================================================================= Briefing: Phase Out of MILNET/DSNET1 to NIPR/SIPR Net Briefer: Mr Anthony Brewer (DISA/UTDD) Summary: Briefing provided the attendees with more detailed information on the phase out of MILNET and DSNET1. Mr Brewer covered the phase out approach, strategy, timelines and actions required to transition DDN customers on to the IPR router networks. He also discussed DISN provisioning as well as provided general information on rate schedules. Main Message: The target date for the de-activation of MILNET and DSNET1 is Sep 95. The rate schedule for the new networks will be released in June 94, and service transition plans are being staffed. DISA and the services must work closely to ensure transition actions are complete and accomplished smoothly. ======================================================================= Briefing: DISN Monitoring Center Support for Classified Data Services Briefer: Mr Bob Bartlett (BBN) Summary: Briefing provided the attendees with information on the CONUS Monitoring Center activities to support the classified router network. Mr Bartlett presented an overview of Level I, II, and III responsibilities. He also addressed fault management procedures, configuration management, provisioning and performance management activities associated with the SIPR net monitoring center. Additionally, the presentation covered monitoring center environment and the software tools used to effectively manage the SIPR net. Main Message: The infrastructure to effectively monitor the SIPR Net is on line and supporting a growing number of customers. ======================================================================= Briefing: Remote Access/Terminal Service Briefer: Mr Anthony Montemarano (DISA/UTD) Summary: Briefing provided the attendees with more detailed information on the status of remote access/terminal service capability for DISN. Mr Montemarano addressed the issues impacting DISA's ability to provide this service for router network customers to include hardware compatibility problems, terminal sponsorship and security concerns for the classified IPR network. Main Message: MILNET/DSNET1 can not be phased out without remote access/terminal service for the router network. DISA is currently staffing actions to provide this capability for both the unclassified and classified networks. ======================================================================= Briefing: NIC Overview and DISN Data Services Support Briefer: Mr Ray Plzak (GSI) Summary: Briefing provided the attendees with information on Network Information Center (NIC) services to include the help desk, on-line documentation, user registration and on-line services. Mr Plzak also covered the re-registration process as well as TAC card policies and procedures. During the transition to the IPR router network, the NIC will focus its efforts to replace the TAC Access System, and streamlining its processes/procedures. Main Message: The NIC will continue to provide help desk, user registration and on-line services to DISN data services customers. ======================================================================= Briefing: Information Systems Security Briefer: Mr Kenneth Van Wyk (DISA/TGGB) Summary: Briefing provided the attendees an overview of the Automated Systems Security Support Team (ASSIST) and the Vulnerability Analysis and Assistance Program (VAAP). Mr Van Wyk outlined ASSIST team services in the event a DoD customer detects an intrusion on their automated system. ASSIST provides customers telephonic, on-line and on-site support. He also covered the VAAP program that is designed to identify automated system vulnerabilities and provide customers with recommendations to enhance their security posture. Main Message: Security is a top priority for both DDN and DISN. The ASSIST team and the VAAP program are available to DoD customers, and they are essential elements in strengthening the DoD automated system security posture. ======================================================================== Node Site Coordinators' Conference Action Items ======================================================================= Action Item: Forward a listing of required publications to node site coordinators. OPR: DISA/UTDS Status: Open. Action forwarded to UTDS for staffing. UTDS will provide a listing to node site coordinators. If a node site coordinator determines they are missing a required publication, they should notify DISA/UTDS, and the document will be forwarded to their office. ECD: 15 Aug 94 ====================================================================== Action Item: Provide specific guidance on DISA End-to-End responsibilities as they apply to SIPR/NIPR router networks. OPR: DISA/UTD Status: Open. Action forwarded to UTD/UTDD for staffing. ECD: 30 Aug 94 ======================================================================= Action Item: Funding node site coordinator positions. OPR: DISA/UTDS Status: Closed. DISA can not mandate to the services that a node site coordinator's position be established or funded. The service/agency representatives will continue to explore the possibility of funding these positions. ======================================================================= Action Item: Disposition of excess equipment; accountability of DISA owned COMSEC equipment. OPR: DISA/UTPI Status: Open. Action forwarded to UTPI for staffing. ECD: 30 Aug 94 ======================================================================= Action Item: Provide specific policy guidance on addressing issues. OPR: DISA/UTDS/UTDD/CFE Status: Open. Action forwarded to UTDS for staffing. ECD: 30 Aug 94 ======================================================================= Action Item: Provide specific policy guidance on tail end circuit responsibilities for the SIPR/NIPR network. OPR: DISA/UTPI/UTDD Status. Open. Action forwarded to UTPI/UTDD for staffing. ECD: 30 Aug 94 ======================================================================= Action Item: Align IPR router topology with Mega Center locations. OPR: DISA/UTPI Status: Open. Action forwarded to UTPI/UTDD for staffing. ECD: 30 Aug 94. ======================================================================= Action Item: Forward draft version of the NSC Guide router supplement. OPR: DISA/UTDS Status: Closed. The draft version of the router supplement was forwarded to the node site coordinators via DDN Management Bulletin 9407, dated 30 June 94. Node site coordinators are requested to review the document and provide an input to their respective service/agency PMO representatives by 21 Jul 94. ======================================================================= Action Item: If node site coordinators require lap top computers to troubleshoot network problems, is DISA going to provide the computer ? OPR: DISA/UTD/UTDS Status: Open. Action forwarded to UTD/UTDS for staffing. ECD: 30 Aug 94 ======================================================================= Node Site Coordinators' Conference Attendee List ======================================================================= NAME DUTY LOCATION Command Alford, Terry Ft Huachuca, AZ Contractor Bainbridge, Philip China Lake NAS, CA Navy Bartlett, Bob Rosslyn, VA Contractor Barsanti, Jeff Chantilly, VA Contractor Benko, Mary St Louis, MO Army Bennett, Andre Sgt Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Air Force Bingham, Ron White Sands, NM Army Blair, Linda Great Lakes NS, IL Navy Boyle, William Ft Huachuca, AZ Army Brewer, Anthony McLean, VA DISA Cannady, Roy Eglin AFB, FL Air Force Carlsen, Edward MSgt Hurlburt Field, FL Air Force Carter, Don Reston, VA DISA Cassell, Jim Columbus, OH DISA Cepauskas, Edward CW3 Ft Huachuca, AZ Army Charles, Martha New Orleans NAS, LA Navy Chilson, Earl Pensacola NAS, FL Navy Clark, B.G. Norfolk, VA USACOM Clark, Charles Ft Carson, CO Army Clark, Cornelius Ft Jackson, SC Army Cole, William Ft McPherson, GA Army Corleis, Robert MSgt Ft Huachuca, AZ Army DeJesus, Marc Sgt Ft Huachuca, AZ Army Devonshire, Robert Tinker AFB, OK Air Force DeWeese, Roger Ft Hood, TX Army Dobis, Ronald Picatinny, NJ Army Duran, Jose Hill AFB, UT DISA Durher, William Dutcher, Bill Chantilly, VA Contractor Eisenhard, Joanne Quantico, VA Marines Farley, Denver Ft Monroe, VA Army Faust, Dominick Warminster, PA Contractor Fender, Stephen Aberdeen P.G., MD Army Fleetwood, Karl TSgt Washington, DC Air Force Fordham, Stephen Mechanicsburg, PA DISA Galyean, Ron Huntsville, AL Contractor Garrett, Eddie MSgt Sheppard AFB, TX Air Force Goldsmith, Bill West Point, NY Army Hall, Ralph Wheeler AAF, HI DISA Harker, Ron Point Magu, CA Navy Hartmann, Dan Alameda NAS, CA Navy Heim, Patrick MSgt Vaihingen, GE DISA Heller, Charlie St Louis, MO Army Hines, William Ft Dix, NJ Army Holt, Jeffrey Jacksonville NAS, FL Navy Hom, Doris Alameda NAS, CA Navy Hopson, Arnold Philadelphia, PA Navy Jenkins, Roger Warminster, PA Navy Jones, Julia Ft Huachuca, AZ Army Kelley, Brian Arlington, VA Contractor Kupec, Raymond Warminster, PA Contractor Lau, Robert Ft Meade, MD Army Laurie, Linda Ft Benjamin Harrison, IN Army Leach, John St Louis, MO Army Lee, Hyrum Wheeler AAF, HI DISA Lent, John Maj Arlington, VA DISA Link, Dave Arlington, VA DISA Lippincott, David Philadelphia, PA DISA Magno, Del New Orleans NAS, LA Navy Maines, Roy Ft Huachuca, AZ Contractor Marshall, Jim White Sands, NM Army Martin, Henry RM2 Vaihingen, GE EUCOM Maxwell, Otis Ft McPherson, GA Army McDaniel, Rodney Arlington, VA DISA McGrew, Earlon Peterson AFB, CO Air Force McGuiness, Patrick West Point, NY Army Merry, G. Gregory Rock Island, IL Army Metzner, Mark Dayton, OH DLA Mindey, Thomas Ft McPherson, GA Army Montemarano, Anthony Arlington, VA DISA Myers, Joseph MSgt McClellan AFB, CA Air Force Nguyen, Terri Washington, DC Air Force Orndorff, George Ft Detrick, MD Army Ortiz, Pedro Sgt Kelly AFB, TX Air Force Panek, Sherryl Monterey, CA Navy Parsons, Michael Randolph AFB, TX Air Force Patz, Joseph Ft Ritchie, MD Army Paulding, Karen Washington, DC Navy Payne, Bryne TSgt Offutt AFB, NE STRATCOM Perkins, Ronald Maxwell AFB, AL Air Force Plzak, Ray Chantilly, VA Contractor Porter, Larry SSgt Ft Huachuca, AZ Army Schaaf, Sue Ft Huachuca, AZ Army Sheldon, Donald Stennis Space Ctr, MS Navy Sieveking, Trudy Ft Huachuca, AZ Army Stasik, Valerin Swartz, Ed Ft Ritchie, MD Army Tatman, Lance Ames, CA Contractor Trevino, Ron Ft Huachuca, AZ Army Trifero, John Newport NS, RI Navy Tucker, Ray Huntsville, AL Contractor VanWyk, Kenneth Arlington, VA DISA Walker, Jim Corpus Christi NAS, TX Navy Warlick, Dave Ft Sam Houston, TX Army Watson, Felix Scott AFB, IL Air Force Webster, James Washington, DC Navy Wiles, Brenda San Diego, CA DMC Wilson, Ed Denver, CO DISA Wilkins, Shirley Alexandria, VA Army Woehl, Donald DP1 Bratenahl, OH DISA Wojcik, Jane Cambridge, MA Contractor Wooten, Richard Ft Hood, TX Army Yuen, Danny Warminster, PA Navy