The US Votes APPROVE with the following comments: US-2(8802-5r) The Annex K MIB allows for creation of Concentrator Relay Function entities, but does not allow for their deletion. The following minor changes will correct this omission in capability. For dtrNumberOfCrfs (page K-26) change MAX-ACCESS read-write to MAX-ACCESS read-only and change the description just below that by deleting the sentence "Writing this object sets the number of CRFs within the DTR Concentrator." Add below the entry dtrCRFLearnedEntryDiscards Counter32 } dtrCRFRowStatus RowStatus } moving the closing brace from after "counter32" to after "RowStatus". Add the following after dtrCRFEntry 11 on page K-29 dtrCRFRowStatus OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS Read-Create STATUS Current DESCRIPTION " Allows creation and deletion of CRF entries. " ::= {dtrCRFEntry 12} Add the following prior to OBJECT dtrFdbStaticAddrRowStatus on K-54 OBJECT dtrCRFRowStatus MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." Add on page K-57, the following after dtrCRFPortStatsInvalidRI, dtrCRFPortStatsInMisdirected, dtrCRFRowStatus, US-2(8802-5r) Editorial improvements: Correct minor typographical errors, punctuation and formatting problems. In addition, for improved clarity in the document make the following changes: Change the overview on page 9.3-2 transition in JS=PDAC as follows. FROM: JS=BP JS=PDAC ----- ------- ³ ³ ³ DAC Test Failed ³ ³<------------------------------------------³ TO: JS=BP JS=PDAC ----- ------- ³ ³ ³ Heart Beat Failure or DAC Test Failed ³ ³<------------------------------------------³ and therefore, the following editorial clarifications will be made. o Change the 14 "" references on pages 9.3-27 and 9.3-28 as follows. From: To: 10.3.6 (MAC Frames Received) o Change page 9.3-28 "FR_MAC_INV(invalid)" reference as follows. From: 10.3.6 To: To clarify the purpose of this supplement, Replace the first line which now reads: "This standard specifies a supplement to the existing text of the ISO/IEC 8802-5:1995. The text therefore" with "This standard, a supplement to the existing text of the ISO/IEC 8802-5:1995, specifies the requirements for Dedicated Token Ring stations and ports. The text" Add to the bottom of that same first paragraph: "Dedicated Token Ring (DTR) defines a new protocol for full duplex Token Ring operation, sometimes referred to as "Switching". This supplement requires that all conformant ports and stations be able to operate compatibly with the pre-existing standard in a shared Token Ring environment.