Subject: For JTC 1 TAG Letter Ballot, ISO/IEC 8802- 5:1995/DAM 3, Token ring access method and phyiscal layer specification AMENDMENT 3 JTC 1 Due Date: 05/30/97 US Vote on Subject Document - APPROVE with attached Editorial comments Comment US 1, Editorial (global) To be consistent with the rest of the document, "4Mbps" and "16Mbps" should read "4 Mbit/s" and "16 Mbit/s". Comment US-2, Editorial Ref: 1.3.27 To improve readability change 1.3.27 to: "The signal loss that results when a channel is inserted between a transmitter and a receiver; it is the ratio of the signal level delivered to a receiver before a channel is inserted to the signal leve after the channel is inserted." Comment US-3 Editorial Ref: 3.3.2, VI (vector identifier) Typo, change "octest" to "octet" Comment US-4 Editorial Ref: Pages 224 - 226: There were some print formatting errors in the 3diagrams on these pages obscuring some of the words. Use the properly formatted pages (available from the editor, please provide instructions on how and where they need to be distributed and made available for the SC6 Meeting). Comment US-5 Editorial Ref: The "NOTEs" in the table in Clause A.6.7, and at the end of Annex P For clearer presentation, indent subsequent lines of NOTE text following the first line as follows: Note: FIRST LINE OF TEXT OF NOTE SECOND LINE OF TEXT OF NOTE AND SO ON.