2013/11/01 03:14:06 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013169.osm.pbf: Way Richterstraat (http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/6688082) has short arc (5.86m) at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=52.16309&mlon=6.73046&zoom=17 - but it can't be removed because both ends of the arc are boundary nodes! 2013/11/01 03:14:06 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013169.osm.pbf: CoordPOI 1766228170 replaced by simple coord in way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/177904057 2013/11/01 03:14:06 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013169.osm.pbf: Way Nieuwe Gravenweg (http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/6679588) has short arc (4.78m) at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=52.34743&mlon=6.63574&zoom=17 - but it can't be removed because both ends of the arc are boundary nodes! 2013/11/01 03:14:06 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013169.osm.pbf: CoordPOI 1355533133 replaced by simple coord in way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/121020785 2013/11/01 03:14:06 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013169.osm.pbf: Way Waterdriebladlaan (http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/6650080) has short arc (2.39m) at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=52.21214&mlon=6.94336&zoom=17 - but it can't be removed because both ends of the arc are boundary nodes! 2013/11/01 03:14:06 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013169.osm.pbf: CoordPOI 747849721 replaced by simple coord in way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/60209705 2013/11/01 03:14:06 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013169.osm.pbf: CoordPOI 46085061 replaced by simple coord in way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/226295223 2013/11/01 03:14:06 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013169.osm.pbf: CoordPOI 471564480 replaced by simple coord in way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/144351143 2013/11/01 03:14:06 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013169.osm.pbf: CoordPOI 1638908441 replaced by simple coord in way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/222339994 2013/11/01 03:14:06 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013169.osm.pbf: Way Aadijk (http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/6676344) has short arc (5.83m) at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=52.38281&mlon=6.66325&zoom=17 - but it can't be removed because both ends of the arc are boundary nodes! 2013/11/01 03:14:06 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013169.osm.pbf: CoordPOI 560459931 replaced by simple coord in way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/44103713