2011/11/21 03:57:48 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/dach/70013155.osm.pbf: Motorway exit 46 Sakskøbing (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=54.79159&mlon=11.64905&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2011/11/21 03:57:48 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/dach/70013155.osm.pbf: Motorway exit 49 Holeby (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=54.71638&mlon=11.42876&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2011/11/21 03:57:48 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/dach/70013155.osm.pbf: Motorway exit 49 Holeby (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=54.71927&mlon=11.43104&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2011/11/21 03:57:48 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/dach/70013155.osm.pbf: Motorway exit 50 Rødbyhavn (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=54.66484&mlon=11.36827&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2011/11/21 03:57:49 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/dach/70013155.osm.pbf: Motorway exit 48 Maribo (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=54.77966&mlon=11.48430&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2011/11/21 03:57:53 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/dach/70013155.osm.pbf: Motorway exit 45 Guldborg (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=54.82789&mlon=11.74572&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2011/11/21 03:57:56 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/dach/70013155.osm.pbf: Motorway exit 44 Eskilstrup (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=54.85909&mlon=11.84530&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2011/11/21 03:58:09 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/dach/70013155.osm.pbf: Motorway exit 45 Guldborg (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=54.82686&mlon=11.73537&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2011/11/21 03:58:15 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/dach/70013155.osm.pbf: Roundabout 25337585 direction is wrong - reversing it (see http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=55.38832&mlon=11.36370&zoom=17)