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RE: [usb] Connect two PC's

Actually, an easier way (if you are running an OS on each PC that 
supports it [i.e. *NIX]), is to connect each PC together with a null-
modem cable between the DB-9 or DB-25 serial [COM for you windows 
ppl] connectors. Then, using the correct command (check your OS's 
manual pages [or windows help, if windows has recently added support] 
for the correct command,) and viola! You can remotely control 
your "device" PC from your "host" PC. I have done this in my room to 
install FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, and Linux Mandrake (in text mode). 
The only limitation is that it does not do graphics (well, it probably does, 
but since a serial connection is really slow, it would not be advisable, 
thus, I have never bothered to attempt it.)
Hope this helps,
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