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RE: [pci] about spartan2 fpga


We made a demo with our core on the exact FPGA. But it also depands
what core you want to connect to PCI bridge. And probably you will
not be able to implement 6 IMAGEs from WB and 6 from PCI bus.
Our demo is on page:

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pci@opencores.org [mailto:owner-pci@opencores.org]On Behalf
Of random_user@163.com
Sent: 18. oktober 2002 7:03
To: pci@opencores.org
Subject: [pci] about spartan2 fpga

      I am trying to implement the core on a Xilinx spartan2 fpga--xc2s150
      Is it possible? Maybe the chip is too small?
      Thanks for any help!

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