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Re: [pci] why the address are grey coded?

At 08:51 AM 5/13/02 +0200, you wrote:
Do you have an idea what the testcase should be for the bug you found in the fifo?
I would like to add a testcase for every bug that is found in the design, so it doesn't happen again!

This is a good idea.  Unfortunately, the error is related to how you handled the grey-coded FIFO addresses as they crossed clock boundaries.  This doesn't lend itself to a simulation test case.  I might be able to generate a test-case using a back-annotated simulation.  I'll try.  on the other hand, I may be able to add some verilog 'display' lines to highlight the error if it occurs.

Miha Dolenc
----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Dini
To: pci@opencores.org
Cc: mperry@dinigroup.com
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [pci] why the address are grey coded?

At 08:30 AM 5/10/02 +0200, you wrote:
The addresses are grey coded because it's an asynchronous fifo design.
Normal binary counter comparison is only good for synchronous fifo designs.
Actually this async fifo isn't quite correct in your open core.  We are fixing now and will update you in a day or so.

Mike Dini                       Phone: (858) 454-3419 ext. 11
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