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[openrisc] Thanks for the tip.

Pressing CTRL-J worked.  I still do not see the characters echo as I
type them, but after pressing CTRL-J, the buffer is sent.  I can't do
capital letters, but, hey, at least it's something! I will start
exploring the telnet code to see if I can discover anything more & will
report what's up.

I want to thank everyone that has sent responses to my questions over
the last 6 weeks... I couldn't have gotten so far so fast without your
help.  As promised, I am going to have a "newbies.faq" in 2-3 weeks...
it's basically a document that contains much of the information that is
available by searching the OpenRISC forum, as well as some pointers of
things that I found along the way. Maybe it will help someone.

Michael McAllister

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