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Re: [openrisc] Function prologue and stack frame

Hallo everybody,

> Right now I can't exactly remember the reasons for the changes that we
> did (it was quite a while ago), but I would suggest that we stay with
> the prologue that GCC produces. This means that it is necessary to
> change the GDB and documentation. Your remarks will be useful in doing
> that, but I don't know, when this will be finished. Maybe there are
> people, that are willing to help, so work will be done faster.

Well, I'm actually doing some GDB debugging myself (that's where my remarks 
came from). IMHO sources need a serious clean-up, and that's what I've been 
already working on.

Is anybody acting as maintainer? I would like to know who is really 
responsible for this GDB port, so I can send my questions to the right box 
;-). I think the amount of work that has to be done needs some kind of 
coordinator to make decissions that would change several portions of code, so 
people working on those different portions will make it the same way. Tell me 
what you think.

Merry Christmas for everybody!

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