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Re: [openip] MP3 Decoder

Of course there is interest!
Please, go to opencores website (http://www.opencores.org/).
Create a new account.
Create a new project (in the Projects section, click on "Start new one").
Put your complete design there.
I would like to test it on an FPGA, just to evaluate the feasibility of
this implementation.
That's a very nice project!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz  http://www.lsi.usp.br/~mdalpoz
mdalpoz@lsi.usp.br   "old Fords never die, just get better"

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Chris Thomas wrote:

> I have developed an MP3 decoder core that I am thinking about
> donating to the OpenCores project.  It is complete, and comes with
> Verilog HDL, simulation testbenches, synthesis scripts, fixed-point
> C model, compliance bitstreams, and full documentation.  It includes
> layer 1/2/3 decoding, and has an integrated fractional polyphase
> sample rate converter with a second-order delta-sigma modulator
> for high-performance digital-to-analog conversion.
> I developed this for my company, but we no longer do IP design.
> Please let me know if there is interest in this core.
> Regards,
> Chris Thomas
> -- 
> ASC Corporation
> 6755 Mira Mesa Blvd. #123-412
> San Diego CA 92121
> email: chris.thomas@ascctech.com
> phone: 858-603-0600
> fax: 858-860-2442

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