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[openip] Projects


I'm a student of electronics engineering in Minho University ( Portugal ).

In the moment I'm trying to develop the I2C protocol, but by what I could see F. Renet (f.renet@mipsys.com) finish the project.

My next step when I finish the I2C protocol is to implement the CAN protocol, and a duble Serial UART. But to take the next step I need to finhish the I2C protocol.

This is the email that Renet received from me, but he never contacted me.

Looking to hear from you,
My very best regards,

Alves Pimenta

>I'm a student of electronics engineering in Minho University ( Portugal ).
>When I was looking for literature survey of Philips I2C protocol, I found that you have developed a vhdl core design which >is basically the object of my study case.
>Would you be so kind to help me, once I'm really a beginner on vhdl matter?

>Looking to hear from you,
>Many thanks and,
>My very best regards,

>Alves Pimenta

