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[ethmac] BOUNCE ethmac@opencores.org: Admin request: /^subject:\s*...\b/i (fwd)

From: Jim Kjendalen <jimkje@adaptivemicro.com>
To: igor.mohor@uni-mb.si, "'ethmac@opencores.org'" <ethmac@opencores.org>
Subject:  Help with [ethmac] 
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 15:05:26 -0500

We've downloaded your latest release of the Ethmac and are trying to compile
it.  Great Job!! You've done a lot of work.

Seems to compile fine with one exception:
We can't get past the Xilinx BlockRAM used in the wishbonedma file.  We
commented it out & switched to the Artisan RAM, but our compiler doesn't
recognize it either.

Do you have a RAM block compatable with Altera devices??

We are targeting Altera device using Synplify (that has only the Altera
engine).  It doesn't recognize blocks for other vendors.

Thanks in advance,

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