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RE: [ecc] coding project

Hi Rakesh

I have also just started working on Reed-Solomon codes and here are some "basic" advices I can provide you:

1) If you are following a standard, then the code will be fixed by the standard

If not 

2) How many errors will you need to correct? This is important in determining the length of the code that you will need to use.

3) Are you using the RS code as part of a concatenated code?

Chi Van

-----Original Message-----
From: rakesh singh [mailto:rakeshsingh80@rediffmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 5:45 PM
To: ecc@opencores.org_NOSPAM
Subject: [ecc] coding project

	I am doing my undergraduate project, which deals with conmbined  speech and channel coding. I am presently considering Reed - Soloman codes for channel coding. 
	Can you tell me, on which standard I should work work, and on what criteria this decision has to be taken. ITU-T G.723.1  was recommended to me. will that be OK? And why?

	Looking forward to get some enlightning reply from you.

-Rakesh Singh
 Room # 2-1-27
 REC Warangal
 Ap India

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