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Re: [cdrom] OpenTech New update

At thebegining I thought that teh first OpenTech
release will not be updated before a year but I was
wrong I got some updates and many requests to update
the cdrom with new tools nad designs.

So I have a suggestion regarding the cdrom update.

I can make many releases as I get some new software or
design update. So when you order a copy you will get
the latest update.

I'll make new minor version change to the current
cdrom version and update the site with the new changes
so those who got older release can update the software
from the web.

I'll make new minor release one every 6-7 weeks if I
get some updates and requests.

If some one want me to send him the new release he
should let me know. 

Note: The new release "OpenTech cdrom 1.0.1" will be
created after 4 weeks

Jamil Khatib

> > Hi,
> >
> > I got few updates for the cdrom contents.
> > I need your suggestions about the time of making
> new
> > release of the OpenTech cdrom. Or is it enough to
> put
> > list of updated tools and designs on the site?
> >
> > Regards
> > Jamil Khatib
> >
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