Isis 3.0 Object Programmers' Reference


1 #include <cmath>
2 #include "MinnaertEmpirical.h"
3 #include "IException.h"
5 namespace Isis {
6  MinnaertEmpirical::MinnaertEmpirical(Pvl &pvl) : PhotoModel(pvl) {
7  PvlGroup &algo = pvl.findObject("PhotometricModel")
8  .findGroup("Algorithm", Pvl::Traverse);
9  // There are no default values for the Minnaert Empirical function; if user
10  // does not provide information, then an exception is thrown
11  if (algo.hasKeyword("PhaseList")) {
12  SetPhotoPhaseList(algo["PhaseList"]);
13  } else {
14  std::string msg = "The empirical Minnaert phase list was not provided by user";
15  throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
16  }
17  if (algo.hasKeyword("KList")) {
18  SetPhotoKList(algo["KList"]);
19  } else {
20  std::string msg = "The empirical Minnaert k exponent list was not provided by user";
21  throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
22  }
23  if (algo.hasKeyword("PhaseCurveList")) {
24  SetPhotoPhaseCurveList(algo["PhaseCurveList"]);
25  } else {
26  std::string msg = "The empirical Minnaert phase brightness list was not provided by user";
27  throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
28  }
30  // Make sure all the vectors are the same size
31  p_photoPhaseAngleCount = (int)p_photoPhaseList.size();
33  if (p_photoPhaseAngleCount != (int)p_photoKList.size()) {
34  std::string msg = "Number of empirical Minnaert k list values must be equal";
35  msg += "to number of phase angles provided";
36  throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
37  }
39  if (p_photoPhaseAngleCount != (int)p_photoPhaseCurveList.size()) {
40  std::string msg = "Number of empirical Minnaert phase curve list values must be equal";
41  msg += "to number of phase angles provided";
42  throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
43  }
45  // Create Cubic piecewise linear splines
46  p_photoKSpline.Reset();
48  p_photoKSpline.AddData(p_photoPhaseList,p_photoKList);
49  p_photoKSpline.SetCubicClampedEndptDeriv(1.0e30,1.0e30);
50  p_photoBSpline.Reset();
52  p_photoBSpline.AddData(p_photoPhaseList,p_photoPhaseCurveList);
53  p_photoBSpline.SetCubicClampedEndptDeriv(1.0e30,1.0e30);
54  }
56  MinnaertEmpirical::~MinnaertEmpirical() {
57  p_photoKSpline.Reset();
58  p_photoBSpline.Reset();
59  p_photoPhaseList.clear();
60  p_photoKList.clear();
61  p_photoPhaseCurveList.clear();
62  }
73  void MinnaertEmpirical::SetPhotoPhaseList(QString phasestrlist) {
74  double phaseangle;
75  IString strlist(phasestrlist);
76  p_photoPhaseList.clear();
78  while (strlist.length()) {
79  phaseangle = strlist.Token(",");
80  if (phaseangle < 0.0 || phaseangle > 180.0) {
81  std::string msg = "Invalid value of empirical Minnaert phase angle list value [" +
82  IString(phaseangle) + "]";
84  }
85  p_photoPhaseList.push_back(phaseangle);
86  }
87  }
98  void MinnaertEmpirical::SetPhotoKList(QString kstrlist) {
99  double kvalue;
100  IString strlist(kstrlist);
101  p_photoKList.clear();
103  while (strlist.length()) {
104  kvalue = strlist.Token(",");
105  if (kvalue < 0.0) {
106  std::string msg = "Invalid value of Minnaert k list value [" +
107  IString(kvalue) + "]";
109  }
110  p_photoKList.push_back(kvalue);
111  }
112  }
121  void MinnaertEmpirical::SetPhotoPhaseCurveList(QString phasecurvestrlist) {
122  double phasecurve;
123  IString strlist(phasecurvestrlist);
124  p_photoPhaseCurveList.clear();
126  while (strlist.length()) {
127  phasecurve = strlist.Token(",");
128  p_photoPhaseCurveList.push_back(phasecurve);
129  }
130  }
132  double MinnaertEmpirical::PhotoModelAlgorithm(double phase, double incidence,
133  double emission) {
134  static double pht_minnaert_empirical;
135  double incrad;
136  double emarad;
137  double munot;
138  double mu;
139  double kInterpolated = 0;
140  double bInterpolated = 0;
142  static double old_phase = -9999;
143  static double old_incidence = -9999;
144  static double old_emission= -9999;
146  // Don't need to do anything if the photometric angles are the same as before
147  if (old_phase == phase && old_incidence == incidence && old_emission == emission) {
148  return pht_minnaert_empirical;
149  }
151  old_incidence = incidence;
152  old_emission = emission;
154  incrad = incidence * Isis::PI / 180.0;
155  emarad = emission * Isis::PI / 180.0;
156  munot = cos(incrad);
157  mu = cos(emarad);
159  if (phase != old_phase) {
160  kInterpolated = p_photoKSpline.Evaluate(phase, NumericalApproximation::Extrapolate);
161  bInterpolated = p_photoBSpline.Evaluate(phase, NumericalApproximation::Extrapolate);
162  old_phase = phase;
163  }
165  if(munot <= 0.0 || mu <= 0.0 || incidence == 90.0 ||
166  emission == 90.0) {
167  pht_minnaert_empirical = 0.0;
168  }
169  else if(kInterpolated == 1.0) {
170  pht_minnaert_empirical = munot * bInterpolated;
171  }
172  else {
173  pht_minnaert_empirical = bInterpolated * munot * pow((munot * mu), (kInterpolated - 1.0));
174  }
176  return pht_minnaert_empirical;
177  }
178 }
180 extern "C" Isis::PhotoModel *MinnaertEmpiricalPlugin(Isis::Pvl &pvl) {
181  return new Isis::MinnaertEmpirical(pvl);
182 }