-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Mixmaster (as a client) encrypts your mail and sends it through one ore more anonymous remailers. You even can start your own remailing service. If you want to to this, get mixmaster-2.0.3-1.src.rpm and modify the makefile to build a server. - From the mixmaster man page: The purpose of anonymous remailers (hereafter simply remailers), is to provide protection against traffic analysis. Traffic analysis is the study of who you are communicating with, when, and how often. This reveals more than you might expect about your activities. It will indicate who your friends and colleagues are (and they can be told apart by looking at the times you contact them). What your interests are, from which catalog companies you contact, and which ftp and WWW sites you visit. Traffic analysis can even reveal business secrets, e.g. your frequent contact with a rival could give hints of an impending merger. [...end mixmaster man page] The file mix-2.0.3-1.src.rpm contains pgp signed source tar archive. 'md5' or 'md5sum' of rpm packages should give you these checksums: 0009ec33fd0f76252b3491000def2f26 mixmaster-2.0.3-1.i386.rpm 0612f7e776db2fefbfbd410e61a79bab mixmaster-2.0.3-1.src.rpm Regards hal@darkstar.frop.org -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBMXaK/lIa2NdXHZJZAQEd/QQAhRP3NGH0mzG11weJcrdVvzEvqdoijEzG +cmaEPZzeUmr9cUt+Pxc/4Q2oEk2c2YwdeJWA1fELEcSKtXLix4UTjRm1FCVMuCV z9i/8kFrvP/9L0GkUUM9e+ZTSDVuyWJcmqI7OJ3sZgHeK2vj39n2UFBMYtjSGPmT FevB2z8ONTA= =jyNn -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----