TAP-alertness Testbatterie zur Aufmerksamkeitsprüfung – reaction speed Reference: Zimmermann, P., Fimm, B. (2012): Testbatterie zur Aufmerksamkeitsprüfung Version 2.3.. Psychologische Testsysteme Task description: Participant has to press a button (as fast as possible) when a cross (visual stimuli) appears on screen. Two conditions (with or without audio signal before stimuli) existed. Four rounds, each containing 20 stimuli (1. and 4. without audio signal; 2. and 3. with audio signal). Before the beginning of the test a pretest was conducted. Reaction times in ms Column names in csv file: TAP_A_1 = reaction time medians for 1. round (no signal) TAP_A_2 = reaction time medians for 2. round (signal) TAP_A_3 = reaction time medians for 3. round (signal) TAP_A_4 = reaction time medians for 4. round (no signal) NO signal (aggregate scores) TAP_A_5 = mean reaction time (no signal) TAP_A_6 = median reaction time (no signal) TAP_A_7 = % (no signal) TAP_A_8 = standard deviations (no signal) TAP_A_9 = % (no signal) Signal (aggregate scores) TAP_A_10 = mean reaction time (signal) TAP_A_11 = median reaction time (signal) TAP_A_12 = % (signal) TAP_A_13 = standard deviations (signal) TAP_A_14 = % (signal) Phasic alertness TAP_A_15 = phasic alertness TAP_A_16 = % (phasic alertness) TAP_A_17 = comments