============================================================================= You can use this script to backup and restore the MBR. v1.7 (11-6-2007) The (M)aster (B)oot (R)ecord is the first 512 bytes of a hard drive, you should always have a current backup of the MBR! To hold the MBR, you can use any media with a filesystem on it, but the filesystem on the media must be supported by the kernel! In addition to backing up the MBR of the hard drive you specify, it also makes a backup of the boot sector from each partition on the hard drive. Backup MBR from /dev/sda to directory /mbr on usb device /dev/sdb. # backup-mbr -b -d /mbr sda sdb "If directory doesn't exist, will create." Restore MBR to /dev/sda from backup in directory /mbr on /dev/sdb. # backup-mbr -r -d /mbr sda sdb Restore boot sector to /dev/sda1 from backup in directory /mbr on /dev/sdb. # backup-mbr -r -d /mbr sda1 sdb If you want to backup the MBR to a multi-session CD-R/RW, do this. # backup-mbr -cd-multi -b -d /mbr sda scd0 You can specify the cd device the old (pre kernel v2.6) way, like this. # backup-mbr -cd-multi -b -d /mbr sda 0,0,0 You'll need 'cdrecord' and 'mkisofs' installed, and have a CD in the drive '/dev/scd0', or 0,0,0 etc. If it's not a multi-session CD-R/RW, do it this way. # backup-mbr -cd -b -d /mbr sda scd0 "CD will be written multi-session." The non multi-session CD-RW must be blank, blank it first if it's not. cdrecord blank=fast dev=/dev/scd0 "You'll loose anything on the CD!" Or, if you want this script to blank the CD-RW. # backup-mbr -cd-blank -b -d /mbr sda scd0 Restore MBR to /dev/sda from backup in directory /mbr on /dev/scd0. # backup-mbr -r -d /mbr sda scd0 krobotti@gmail.com =============================================================================