These are my changes to BRL/CAD 4.4 to allow it to be made for Linux using the native shared library scheme. It's a nasty hack, to be sure, but it works, and saves significant space over the static versions, and if you don't have elf installed already, you don't have to bother with it just to run this package; and besides, I'm not so sure cad4.4 would've compiled even with elf support... In addition to hacking the Cakefiles to support Linux native shared libraries, I made the following changes: bench/ - use bc instead of dc cake/cake_s.l - support for strings preceding and following [[...]] commands cake/proc.c - killed unlinking of scripts before they are complete anim/anim_sort.c - an uninitialized variable caused it to ignore the 1st file fbserv/fbserv.c - changed NULL's to ""'s, as they should be librt/db_open.c - added file rewind -- why, I don't remember rt/shade.c - shade_inputs was referenced extern but declared HIDDEN (static) rt/sh_light.c - aim_set was declared both extern and HIDDEN util/loop.c - #include to prototype atof() (otherwise it screws up) - libwdb depends on librt, so it now comes later in sequence I have tested a number of the programs minimally, and a few of the programs extensively, and they seem to work... I also, on a whim, compiled it (with my minor bug patches) for Solaris2.3, and got many more crashes than with Linux... There are still some unresolved problems, such as the dependece of the documentation on the source site's configuration for compilation, and a few warnings [/errors] I still haven't bothered fixing; most notable a line in lgt.c about passing the address of a local variable (which is true, and bad, but I don't want to figure out how to fix it w/o geting into code purity issues or actually trying to *understand* the code in question... perhaps I'd be more willing to work on this stuff if my printed manuals would finally arrive...) I may, if I have time, get around to making svgalib and Amiga frame buffers and mged modules, or "improve" the tk interface (to my liking), but don't hold your breath... If anyone compiles the xmged interface, though, please let me know how it goes... I don't think that I included enough relevant portions of the distribution to warrant encryption, but of course you will still need the main distribution off of or wherever you can find it, which is encrypted.. [see the directions there for how to register & get the printed manual + decryption key]. The shared libraries require the dll toolkit, of which I used V2.16. Also, I had to make some optimization tweaks to keep gcc-2.6.2 from crashing, and I don't know if any other version will even work.. Make sure the bin dir containing the tools is in your path before running anything which might make a shared library. I know the newer versions install themselves in /usr/bin (and as jumpas), but they still create links in /usr/dll that I depend on.. Just make sure they're there! To install for linux: --------------------- # get the registration form from & send it in # wait until you get a letter explaining how to decrypt/untar BRL/CAD # decrypt/untar BRLCAD [I did it into /usr/src/cad] cd /usr/src/cad # or wherever you untar'd BRL/CAD zcat ~/cad4.4.linux_patch.gz | patch -sEp1 # or wherever you put the patch # bash/ksh/sh users know how to translate this.. # [don't worry about the path not existing yet] set path=(/usr/brlcad/bin $path) # don't do this if it has already been done; I've been having problems # with using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, so for now just: echo /usr/brlcad/lib >>/etc/ # although setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/brlcad/lib before the compile may # also work. This is just so the stuff in db gets proccessed properly.. # the rest is directly out of INSTALL.TXT mkdir /usr/brlcad sh -v sh sh all sh install # following two lines only if you want tmged sh tcl sh install-tcl # do whatever you want with the many uninstalled items, such as proc-db, db, # conv/, papers, doc, bench, pix, jove, pro-engineer, whetstone, # dhrystone, etc.; then: sh clobber foreach x (tcl libtcl libtk tmged) cd $x cake clobber end You'll need about 68M free space to compile everything, and an additional 14M or so to install everything. If you want to do anything with the dirs which are not automatically installed, you will probably need more. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas J. Moore, Ex Amiga Developer| Linux - a pain in the ass, but it works. inet: | Must .... Kill .... Bugs.... AAARRRGGHHH -----------------------------------------------------------------------------