More on: 22% and crash

From: Andrew Criswell (
Date: Wed Sep 26 2001 - 20:39:02 CEST

Dear Michelle and friends:

I loaded BOOT+USR from my floppy and logged in as "root" with no problem.
 I didn't add any other addons.) On another computer, I then copied from
the mulinux.tgz distribution the file bin/lilo which is 199KB to another DOS
formatted floppy disk. Again, no problem.

Then onto my little Notebook: mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt (no
problem here)

Then: cp /mnt/lilo /usr/bin (but now I get "no space left on

So, I cannot "clone" without lilo and I cannot get lilo into RAM. If mulinux
is intended for small machines like my own, how come its so difficult to get
it to work properly?




On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 09:00:17AM +0200, Giuseppe Bellini nicely wrote:
> > Ultimately, I would like to "clone" the floppies onto my hard drive. I
have tried to do so with only BOOT+USR but the installation aborts because
it cannot find LILO. Of course, LILO is on the WKS floppy which cannnot be
loaded because of the 22% constraint.
True. But you has a copy of the lilo command in the directory bin/, located
in the main mulinux.tgz archive. Please, take a look to this archive.
Copy the command in /usr/bin (in RAM), then retry the cloning.
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