Re: ext2 installation on 486/4MB // bloat

From: Bob Romprey (
Date: Sat Apr 07 2001 - 03:19:23 CEST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Anti-Bloat????

Hence the original intent of muLinux using rustic scripts to pack a fairly full software suite onto one floppy:)
Wondering how big a shell script compiles to???? 8^P

Oh yeah..........and two minor News Flashes:

1) MAC OS X has a hidden easter can invoke the mysterious unix command prompt that hides behind the X interface.*chuckle*

2)The upcoming Windows XP (whistler) is going to be a "by subscription only" operating system.........thus paving the way for a brave new future of by subscription only online only applications, and saving personal data to a leased "net drive"*gagging*
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