Re: [mu TECH] Problem installing on a IBM Thinkpad 360... well, really I can't install at all!

From: Mark Roberts (
Date: Sun Feb 04 2001 - 12:14:58 CET

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, Luca Olivari wrote:

> How can I solve this problem? (I can't either copy the \LINUX dir on the
> laptop: I only have DOS and there are "path too long for Ms-DOS" problems)

If what you tried to copy is the directory C:\LINUX that was created in a
umsdos-clone, there should be no long filenames in it. Long paths is
another problem. If your direcory LINUX is not at the top level (i.e.
C:\TESTING\FEBRUARY\LUCA\LINUX\MU\LINUX), then you get longer paths. DOS
will only accept directory structure up to an overall path-length of ...
255 characters or something.

If you were NOT copying a umsdos-tree, I suggest it. Install on some other
computer and copy the tree with 'tar' and 'untgz.exe' (I'll send it, if
you like). Remember to install swap space on the big computer before you
copy the tree, since your thinkpad has only 4mb.

Good luck.

Mark Roberts

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