#!/usr/bin/python import sys, time import pi2go pi2go.init() slowspeed = 20 fastspeed = 100 lastleft = 0 lastright = 0 # Let's get going pi2go.forward(fastspeed) # main loop try: while True: left = pi2go.irLeftLine() right = pi2go.irRightLine() if left==0 and right==0: pi2go.stop() if left == 0 and lastleft == 1: pi2go.turnForward(slowspeed,fastspeed) pi2go.setAllLEDs(0, 4095, 4095) elif right == 0 and lastright == 1: pi2go.turnForward(fastspeed,slowspeed) pi2go.setAllLEDs(4095, 0, 4095) lastleft = left lastright = right time.sleep(0.01) except KeyboardInterrupt: pi2go.setAllLEDs(0, 0, 0) pi2go.cleanup() sys.exit()