# # MySQL back end configuration # launch=gmysql # Tells our PowerDNS server we are using MySQL backend config-dir=/etc/powerdns/pdns.d/ # Specifies our configuration file gmysql-host= # Configures the IP address that PowerDNS will listen on gmysql-user=puser # Our configured PowerDNS username gmysql-password=pleasepickastrongpassword # This is our MySQL password. Please, for the love of all that is sacred, stop using weak passwords! gmysql-dbname=pdns # This details which MySQL database PowerDNS should use. local-address= # Specifies the local IP for PowerDNS to listen on. master=yes # This tells PowerDNS to run this as the primary server. This primary server will send out a special notify packet to notify the secondary or slave of updates. setgid=pdns # Sets Group ID to this one for improved security setuid=pdns # Sets user id to this for improved security version-string=Hostfile 0.1 Alpha # Bogus server version is divulged via dig quiry, such as dig @ns1.example.com -c CH -t txt version.bind. There is no security through obscurity, but there is certainly absurdity... =P