This is a port of the CyaCE program. Credit for the CyaCE program goes to Bradly D. LaRonde. For more information on CyaCE see: It now runs on the iPAQ H3600 series. I have not booted the Linux kernel I hope that someone who reads this will want to do that... To use this your iPAQ H3600 must be running PocketPC. The program 'hello-world-elf' just prints a small message over the serial line. It is just used to test that the cyace-arm.exe program works. USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK! To test it out with the test elf file. -------------------------------------- 1. Make sure you backup any data you have on your device!! 2. Copy cyace-arm.exe, cyacecfg.txt and hello-world-elf all to the same directory on your iPAQ H3600. 3. On your host PC start up a terminal emulator program with the following settings: 115,200 baud rate 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, NO parity, NO flow control 4. Run cyace-arm.exe by double tapping on it. 5. It will run the program hello-world-elf and display the following message on your terminal emulator: /# RUNPROG %* @ TEST: Hello World! NOTE: the screen on the iPAQ H3600 will go blank, this is expected behaviour since the memory mangament unit is turned off, as are the interrupts. 6. To go back to PocketPC reboot your device by using the stylus to press the reset button (small hole on the bottom right, next to the serial/USB port). -- Dirk 11-Dec-2000