iPaq H3600/H3100 Handhelds.org Bootloader Installation Instructions



  • iPAQ H3600/H3100 with a serial cable (USB is NOT supported at this time). For those of you that can not wait for a serial cable, Peter Monta has instructions for a home made cable which invalidates the warrenty on the base station at http://www.handhelds.org/pipermail/ipaq/2000-Auguest/000061.html
  • Installation:

    1. Plug your iPAQ into the serial port of your Windows machine using a serial cable.
    2. Configure your iPAQ to use the serial port for ActiveSync.
    3. Use the ActiveSync application (the file name is Async.exe) to connect to your iPaq 3600 from you PC.
    4. Copy osloader-1.5.4.exe to your iPaq from your Windows machine. Ignore the "may need to convert" message you will get.
    5. On your iPaq H3600, find osloader-1.5.4.exe wherever you put it, and then execute osloader-1.5.4.
    6. Backing Up WinCE

    7. Select the Tools->Flash->Save to files.... Four (4) files, 4MB each in size will be created. After each file is created, copy the file to your computer, then delete the file from the iPAQ to make room in the WinCE ramdisk for the next file. The current status of the save / restoration of WinCE is available at http://www.handhelds.org/projects/wincerestoration.html.
    8. The files will be saved in the My Device folder -- the root folder on the device. They will have filenames: flash_00000000.bin, flash_00400000.bin, flash_00800000.bin and flash_00c00000.bin.

      Running the bootldr from DRAM

    9. The bootldr encapsulated in osloader 1.5.4 has been disabled, so the "Tools->Bootldr->Run" menu entry will not work. It will just freeze the ipaq, causing the screen to go blank.
    10. Copy wince-bootldr.bin to the My Documents folder on the iPAQ. You do not need to rename it.
    11. Select the "Tools->Bootldr->RunFromFile" menu entry.
    12. You should now see the bootldr splash screen.
    13. On the PC disconnect the ActiveSync application (it is holding onto the serial port you need).
    14. You may have trouble getting ActiveSync to free your serial port. You might want to use some more friendly operating system to run minicom or eterm or,...
    15. Run your terminal emulator on whatever machine can talk to your serial port with the settings of: 115200 8N1 (115200 baud, 8 bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit) and Flow control: 'None'.
    16. In your terminal emulator, hit the enter key on your keyboard on your machine: you should see a 'boot>' prompt. You can type 'help' at the bootloader at the 'boot>' prompt to get a list of commands.
    17. Installing the Bootldr

    18. This step is dangerous: make sure you perform it exactly correctly. At the 'boot>' prompt, type 'load bootldr', then start an xmodem download of the file bootldr-2.14.15.

      See handhelds.org sources for access to the bootldr source code.

    19. Your iPAQ will say "verifying ... done.". The loader program has a simple sanity check in it to try to ensure that only a bootloader can get installed into flash at the iPAQ's bootloader's address. If there is an RXSTAT error, you can ignore it if there "verifying ... done" was printed. Otherwise, repeat the 'load bootldr' step.
    20. Check the Install

    21. At this point, the new bootldr is installed in flash. You can spot check the bootldr installation before rebooting by executing the command peek flash 0x0, which should print EA00008E. Also check peek flash 0x20, which should print 646C7462. If either of these prints FFFFFFFF, then the bootldr is erased. Be very careful. Do not reset the unit. Do not power cycle it. Make sure it is plugged in. Reload the bootldr. If there are any error messages email ipaq@handhelds.org or use IRC to connect to irc.openprojects.net channel #ipaq or #handhelds.org for assistance.

      OK, now take a deep breath. Assuming you had no error messages, you are past the only risky part of the install.

      Reboot the iPAQ

    22. Reboot your iPaq H3600 by pushing the recessed reset button at the lower right of the unit. If the iPAQ is in a cradle, you will have to remove it to do this step. The boot loader should come up and display a splash screen on the LCD. Put the iPAQ back in the cradle. At this point, either type a space in the terminal emulator or push the calendar button on the iPAQ to get the bootldr's prompt "boot>".

      Don't be worried if the message "Corrupt kernel image", because you don't have a kernel installed yet. Whew! You are through the risky part of the procedure.

    23. Now sure the bootldr flash sector is protected! If does not print at this point, then contact the mailing list familiar@handhelds.org or IRC chat irc.openprojects.net /join #handhelds.org or #familiar. Do not use the pflash command.

      The Installation is Complete!

    24. Congratulations! At this point you have a working bootloader and you are ready to install a Linux distribution. The latest Linux distribution for the iPAQ H3600 series is available at http://familiar.handhelds.org and can be installed using the instructions at http://familiar.handhelds.org/familiar/releases/latest/install/H3600/install.html. The older Handhelds.org Linux Distribution which was last updated in March of 2001 and is not likely to see any further updates can be installed by following the instructions at update.html. All future effort will be directed towards building the Familiar Distribution.

    Getting to the Bootldr Prompt

    If you have any problems, please post to one of the followig lists:

    General problems with setup, installation, user-land software or configuration: ipaq@handhelds.org.

    Issues believed to be related to the kernel: linux@handhelds.org.

    Thank you.

    Modified Monday October 1, 2001

    Please send comments on this document to Jamey Hicks (jamey.hicks@compaq.com).