iPAQ H3600 Linux Update Instructions - v0.19




  1. Plug your iPAQ into the serial port of your Windows machine using a serial cable.
  2. Run your terminal emulator on whatever machine can talk to your serial port with the settings of: 115200 8N1 (115200 baud, 8 bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit) and Flow control: 'None'.
  3. While booting the iPAQ, in your terminal emulator, hit the space key on your keyboard on your machine: you should see a 'boot>' prompt. You can type 'help' at the bootloader at the 'boot>' prompt to get a list of commands.
  4. This one step is dangerous: do so with the unit under AC power (so that even if your battery happened to fail that instant, it wouldn't matter). At the 'boot>' prompt, type 'load bootldr', then start an xmodem download of the file bootldr-0000-2.10.4. A bootldr tarball corresponding exactly to these boot loader bits is available. Note this is a new version of the bootloader, which should work better with some xmodem implentations and worth updating.
  5. Your iPAQ will say "verifying ... done.". The loader program has a simple sanity check in it (it verifies a checksum contained in the bootldr file) to ensure that only a bootloader can get installed into flash at the iPAQ's bootloader's address.
  6. Be paranoid. Make sure the bootldr flash sector is protected:
  7. At the 'boot>' prompt, type 'load kernel', then start an xmodem download of the file zImage-2.4.0-test11-rmk1-np3-hh2. When finished with the download, you will see "Erasing, Writing, Verifying flash" messages. A kernel tarball corresponding exactly to these kernel bits is available.
  8. At the 'boot>' prompt, type 'load flash 0x100000', then start an xmodem download of the file init-2-67.cramfs. This takes approximately 2 minutes. When finished with the download, you will see "Erasing, Writing, Verifying flash" messages.
  9. At the 'boot>' prompt, type 'load flash 0x200000', then start an xmodem download of the file root-2-56.cramfs. This takes approximately 5 minutes. When finished with the downlaod, you will see "Erasing, Writing, Verifying flash" messages.
  10. At the 'boot>' prompt, type 'load flash 0x500000', then start an xmodem download of the file usr-2-60.cramfs. This takes approximately 10 minutes. When finished with the downlaod, you will see "Erasing, Writing, Verifying flash" messages.
  11. At the 'boot>' prompt, type 'set linuxargs "noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock4 init=/linuxrc console=ttySA0"'.
  12. At the 'boot>' prompt, type 'set copy_ramdisk 0x0'
  13. At the 'boot>' prompt, type ' set baudrate 115200'
  14. At the 'boot>' prompt, type 'params save'.
  15. At the 'boot>' prompt, type 'boot'.
  16. At the (none) login: prompt, type 'root'
  17. At the prompt, type 'mkfs -t ext2 /dev/mtdblock6'
  18. At the prompt, type 'mount /usr/local'. This will allow you to use /dev/mtdblock6 as /usr/local for persistent storage. Please note that you may only make one hundred thousand (100,000) writes to a particular sector of flash.

Congratulations! You should be up and running.

Note: if you need to get back into the boot loader after you have Linux running, restart the iPAQ and quickly hit the space bar a few times during the boot process. You can restart the iPAQ with the Linux command shutdown -r now.

If you have any problems, please post to one of the followig lists:

General problems with setup, installation, user-land software or configuration: ipaq@handhelds.org.

Issues believed to be related to the kernel: linux@handhelds.org.

Thank you.

Modified January 4, 2001 by Jim Gettys.

Please send comments on this document to Tom Lawler (tom.lawler@compaq.com).