xvnews -- an openlook newsreader xvnews is an openlook newsreader that uses the XView 3.0 toolkit. It has been tested using Sun OpenWindows version 2 and version 3 xnews servers along with olvwm, olwm, and twm. I see no reason that xvnews shouldn't run on any X windowing system that has access to the XView libraries. How to build xvnews: 1. See the CHANGES file for changes made from the previous release. 2. Does an NNTP server exist on your network? If not, xvnews will not work. 3. Do you have version 3.0 of the XView toolkit? This is available on export.lcs.mit.edu in contrib/xview3 and also comes bundled with OpenWindowsV3. If you don't have version3 of the XView toolkit, xvnews will not build. 4. Take a look at the defines in xvnews.h for DOMAIN, NNTPSERVER, and ORGANIZATION. You may want to change the value of these for your site. Modifying any other parameters in xvnews.h is not recommended. 5. The default Makefile should work fine for any Sun machine running SunOS 4.1 or greater. If you want an SVr4 version, try using the Makefile.svr4. An Imakefile is included for those of you that re really brave. 6. If you want a version of xvnews to run on OpenWindowsV2 as well as OpenWindowsV3, statically link in libxview and libolgx. This is the default. 7. make 8. Read the man page (xvnews.man) for answers to your many questions. 9. If you have problems with xvnews, feel free to mail dfc@resumix.portal.com