* General stuff: This is cim for linux. A Simula to C translator and full compilation "management". If you want to learn how to program in Simula you can find the example programs from Bj|rn Kirkeruds book "Object-Oriented Programming with Simula". It was compiled with gcc2.4.5 and version 4.4.1 of the libraries. This is a binary only distribution since the author of cim want some controll over the source. * Instalation notes: You need version 4.4.1 of the shared library images /lib/libm.so.4.4.1 and /lib/libc.so.4.4.1. Cim installs into /usr/local/{bin|man|include|lib}. These paths are hard coded into cim, and to change it you will have to binary edit cim, or set up symlinks. To actually install do 'su' so you're root, and type 'make install'. Then do 'make test' to check your instalation. Asker 930906, janl@ifi.uio.no